Chapter 26: Heidi?

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Hadie's POV

It is the middle of the afternoon and for some reason Heidi still hasn't shown up with Henry today, and it is not like Heidi to be late. I run my fingers through my hair thinking of where my little sister could be that is more important than Henry and in my heart,I know that something is seriously wrong. I start walking around campus trying to find any sign of her but with no such luck, then I go with plan B which is start asking those closest to her, and I start with Dizzy who is sitting in the garden with Evie trying to come up with fashion ideas for the Fantasia Festival, which is a stupid yearly holiday that celebrates the day that The Sorcerer defected The Chernabog almost 80 years ago, and of course the annual Christmas holiday.

"Hello ladies." I say walking up to them as they both turn their attention to me. "Hey Hadie." Evie and Dizzy say at the same time. "Have either of you seen Heidi today? She was supposed to pick up Henry this morning and meet me for lunch but she hasn't shown up." Evie and Dizzy shake their heads with a puzzled look on their face, "Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Heidi at all today." Dizzy stands up off the bench she was sitting on and offers to help me look for her,and this sets off a massive search.

Dizzy and I ask everyone in Auradon Prep that we thought would have seen her, but no one has and now everyone is asking everyone they know but with no results. "It is like she vanished into thin air." Uma comments crossing her arms over her chest as she starts racking her brain, "Maybe she went back to the isle?" Gigi Gothel says as those of us who really know her shake our heads, "She would never go back to the isle." Suddenly Ally's eyes go wide as panic fills them. "What if Hayden and Morris did something to her?" We all look at one another knowing that it might be a possibly, "Who was the last one to see her?" Carly asks looking around the massive group of Heidi's friends, "I could only think that Harry was the last one to see her." I feel myself losing control of my powers as the fear of something happening to my sister comes over me mixed with my hair flaming up over the thought of that pirate hurting my sister,

"Maybe one of us should inform Harry, he might know something." Carly suggest and I nod my head volunteering to be the one to talk to Hook, and with that the large group splits up to cover more ground I head back to dorm building. I enter the dorm building and right as I turn the corner into the hallway I see a girl with dark brown hair walk out of Harry's dorm room, the girl has blue studded earrings in her ears, an opened demi jacket, under the jacket is a white and light blue tie dye crop top, skinny blue scarf around her neck, the necklace around her neck has a blue rose pendent on it, the gold bracelet with light blue stone is on her left wrist, what looks like a wand is on her right hand,her lower half is covered by a dark blue skirt, and on her feet are a pair of light blue flat shoes.

"Hey Margo." I say scaring her a little. "Hey Hadie? What are you doing here?" She asks in her very nervous voice making me wonder what she could possibly be doing here, "I am looking for Harry, I thought he might have seen my sister." Margo just nods her head before hurrying off which only makes me more confused. I knock on Harry's door and when Harry opens it I notice that he is not alone because Audrey is on the bed reading from what looks like a text book. "What do you want hot head?" Harry asks me in an annoying tone of voice like he has something better to do than talk to me. "I was wondering if you have seen Heidi today,she was supposed to meet me for lunch after picking up Henry." Before Harry can get a word out the sudden cries of Henry fill the room, "Is that Henry?" I ask as Harry looks behind him for a moment then back to me,

"Yeah,your sister needs to come get him because all he has been doing is crying." I look at Harry with disgust as I shove past him and walk over to Henry picking him up from his crib, "Hey there little man, Uncle Hadie got you." I say trying to calm him down as Audrey lets out a groan. "Will someone please shut that baby up, I can focus on picking the right spot of for my Holiday break with all that screaming." I turn around looking at Audrey before looking at Harry, "You are really going to stand there and let her talk that way about your son?"Harry shrugs his shoulders opening the door wider, "Why don't you take the little brat to his disappointment of a mother." Audrey comments and I can't take it anymore as I lose control of my anger. "AUDREY, WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP! I yell snapping on her which gets the attention of both Audrey and Harry.

"TALK LIKE THAT TO HER AGAIN AND I PROMISE THAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH THAT WINDOW!"Harry roars at me getting into my face as much as he can since I am holding Henry. Audrey stands up off the bed and gets between Harry and I, "Relax Hare Bear, Hadie is going to do anything." Out of the blue Audrey suddenly slaps me across my face as hard as she can. "Don't ever talk to me like that again." I quickly recover and snarl at Audrey who just laughs and smiles at me, "What are you going to do Hadie? Are you actually going to hit a woman?" I stare daggers at her wishing to god that I could but I have a solution to this.

"Excuse me for one moment." I say stepping out into the hallway grabbing my phone out of my back pocket and I make a very important phone call. When I am done with the phone call I only have to wait a short moment for a friend of mine to arrive. "Wait just one second." I say to my friend before walking back inside to Harry and Audrey, "Back for more abuse Hadie?" Audrey laughed as I slowly nod my head with a big smile on face, "You were right Audrey when you said that I would never hit a woman because I respect them, but the thing is that I made a phone call out in the hallway just now to a friend that has no problem hitting a woman." I step to the side as Uma slowly walks in, "Now I would say the odds are even." Uma comments staring a hole into Audrey

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