Chapter 17: Arrow meets Hook

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Heidi's POV

Mark walks me back to campus without any incident from the wolf that is roaming the woods, "Thank you Mark, and I will definitely take your words to heart." Mark bows his head but his eyes suddenly gloss over almost like he is a million miles away, "Mark?" I ask trying to make sure he is okay but he doesn't answer me. After a few seconds, Mark eyes refocus and he has this look of worry on his face, "What happened to you?"I ask while Mark starts mumbling to himself, "I didn't mean to scare you Heidi,when I get a vision of the future my eyes glaze over that way I can stay focused on the vision and not everything around me." That sort of makes sense but now I am wondering what he saw,

"Tell me what you saw?" Mark clears his throat before answering me, "I saw something that I hope does not come to pass Heidi." Mark starts to walk away but I grab his hand, "What was it Mark?" I ask and Mark sighs and I can see the worry in his eyes, "I saw Mal and Ben putting the barrier back up around the isle." This makes no sense to me as to why Ben or Mal would want to the barrier back up when they fought so hard to take it down in the first place, "I am sure that won't happen Mark, a lot of the villain kids have fitted into Auradon Prep better than expected." Mark shakes his head lightly, "But you know as well as I do Heidi, not all villain kids choose to cross that bridge, some of the most evilest and darkness adults and their kids still wander that hunk of rock." I nod my head and just like that Mark has vanished into thin air,

"HEIDI!"Yells a Scottish voice that I know all too well, and I see Harry storming his way over to me, "Harry, we already had one fight today, I don't think I have it in me to fight twice." Harry gets in my face raising his hook to my chin, "HOW COULD LET THAT PSYCHOPATH YOU CAN A FATHER ANYWHERE NEAR MY SON!" This is kind of getting old to me that people are complaining about my dad having one encounter with his grandson, "It is fine Harry, it was not like we were alone,I had other protection around if things went differently." Harry just shakes his head as his blue eyes are very dark at this moment,

"I DON'T WANT MY SON NEAR THAT PART OF HIS FAMILY, THEY ARE ALL DANGEROUS AND THAT INCLUDES YOU!" My hair turns into nothing but flames as I have had enough of people telling about my parenting skills, "MY FATHER IS TRYING TO DO BETTER, HADIE WOULD KILL FOR HENRY, I AM HIS MOM AND WOULD DIE IF I EVER HURT HIM ON PURPOSE, AND HAYDEN IS IN THE UNDERWORLD LIVING OUT HER IMMORTAL LIFE WITH THE MAN SHE LOVES!" I yell at Harry getting in his face, "On the other hand should we talk about your family Harry? Your father has made no attempt to have any contact with you, your sister, and even his grandson for that matter!" Harry growls at he raises running it along my cheek,

"You are asking to be hooked Heidi, and from now anything that has to do with our son you run by me and we will discuss it like two parents should." I snarl at Harry as I feel my eyes pulsate strongly then Harry drops his hook to the ground groaning in pain, "WHY DO YOU KEEP BURNING ME HEIDI?" Harry yells and I honestly don't know why that keeps happening, "I don't know Harry, but I am starting to think that it might be linked to my emotions like my hair." Harry picks up his hook and rises it at me only for an arrow to hit the hook and bounce off. Harry and I turn our attention to where the arrow came from to see Kylie there, "Take another step towards my cousin and the next arrow is going through your head."Kylie says loading another arrow into her bow, but A flash of light comes out of nowhere and suddenly Apollo appears between Kylie and Harry,

"Kylie put the bow down, you don't want to get into trouble before you even start school." Kylie keeps her bow up with no intention of putting it down, "That pirate is a danger to my cousin." Harry lets of a dark laugh, I think you have that backwards, Heidi is one that is dangerous because she can't control her powers anymore." Kylie slightly lowers her bow looking at me, "I can handle this Kylie, please go make sure that Henry is safe." Kylie nods her head before walking away as Apollo turns to face Harry and I, "Henry is perfectly safe Heidi, I left him with Audrey." I scoff rolling my eyes, "I don't think Audrey of all people is qualified to take care of a baby." Apollo steps in between Harry and I with a concerned look on his face,

"I know the two of you are going through something as of late but all this arguing is affecting Henry, he doesn't need his parents fighting and having his uncle and aunts raise him." Harry and I both look at each other knowing that neither one of us want that to happen, "Heidi, if Harry is telling that truth about your powers then I must request that you talk to Fairy Godmother." I nod my head at Apollo thinking to myself that talking to my dad like Mark suggested or talking to Fairy Godmother like Apollo suggested isn't the worst idea in the world, "Harry you need to back off with the third degree on Heidi and know that she knows what is best for Henry." Harry doesn't say anything but nods his head,

"And the both of you need to sort out if you are going to stay married or start seeing other people, and you need to do that as soon as possible." Apollo vanishes leaving Harry and I alone, "I will see you later, I need to get back to my son." Harry snaps at me before walking off and as I watch him walk off I know in my heart that I want to stay married and get back together with him, but I don't know if that is what Harry wants. 

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