May I have this battle, my Love?

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One day I caught myself smiling without no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.

Midoriya's POV

I quickly threw my gloves to the side after I ripped them from my hands. I check Todoroki's pulse again. It's slowed even in the few moments it took me to remove me gloves. I noticed the pool of blood spreading. Todoroki was literally bleeding out in front of me, and I had no clue how to help him. The idea of fact was killing me, and only raising the stakes with my want to save him. I removed the tie Todoroki had tied on for me and wrapped it around the largest gash on his arm as tears flowed down my cheeks like rivers, and I screamed out for help.

Years later... 3rd person POV

"Mi~doriya~..." Izuku smiled as the sweet, ominous voice cooed his name. He pulled his gloves on and turned in his chair, crossing his legs as he saw Todoroki walk in, dressed in his usual dark outfit, white undershirt sleeves rolled to his elbow, exposing his large scars from years earlier, where he had a brush with death after a hero attack. Midoriya had gotten attention of a small fraction of the league who helped save Shouto's life. A year or so later, they got married, and they even adopted a son. Midoriya became a villain to fight by his husband's side. Todoroki walked over, a hand on either of the chair's armrests and leaned down, a small, smug grin on his face. Izuku wrapped his arms around Shouto's neck, smiling still. "Well, hey, mi ángel oscuro~." He pulled Todoroki in for a kiss after humming the nickname he had given him, meaning 'dark angel' in Spanish. 'Angel' coming as a reference to his near-death, and 'dark' a reference to his villainy. Todoroki smiled warmly into the kiss at the sound of the name he loved. After parting, he pressed his head against Midoriya's, allowing himself to get lost in his bright emerald eyes. "Pew! Pew!" Footsteps followed as they quickly joined the couple in the room. "Dad! Look out!" The small boy cried, Todoroki stood and turned, seeing Tokudo, their son, fall the the ground dramatically as he held his chest. "The light~! I can see... the light~..!" Izuku chuckled, getting up from his chair and kneeling by Tokudo as he went with the game. "Your time is up, hero.." he said in a low tone, glaring at his son playfully. "Pshh~..boom!" The young boy threw his hands up as he mimiced a bomb exploding. Izuku smiled down at the boy, who had dark green hair, matching Izuku's apart from the bright blue and white streaks towards the ends. He had bicolored blue and purple eyes, with a large birthmark around his left eye that lightened slightly as he aged. It was honestly one of the reasons that had chosen to adopt him. "Midoriya, shouldn't we teach Tokudo at least realistically what is the world of heros and villians if you're going to-" "We've been married for a decade, yet you still call me that." He smiled, standing and kissing his cheek. A loud crash can be heard as loud voices demand to see Shouto and Izuku Todoroki. Shouto sighed, offering his hand to Izuku. "May I have this battle, my love?" Izuku rolled his eyes, smiling and took his hand. "Absolutely." He turned to face Tokudo. "Toku, stay in here. We'll be back soon, okay?" The small boy nodded, and Izuku looked back to Shouto, smiling. He leaned in and kissed him as they walked out to battle, fingers intertwined, not concerned in the slightest of their chances of winning. They weren't afraid of dying. The couple looked at one another, smirks on their faces before they nodded, charging into battle.

I hope you liked the story! This is the last part, but there is a new story coming out soon (Yandere Prinxiety-)! Happy Halloween! uwu

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