Back in England

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Dumbeldore ushered Newt, Tina, Jacob, Nagini, Theseus and the others that were with them into the castle. As Newt looked around, he couldn't help but think of Leta and all the good times they had together back when they used to attend Hogwarts.

"I love you", were her last words.

Newt couldn't help but wonder who they were intended for given that Theseus, who happened to be her fiance and Newt's older brother was right next to him when she looked back and said her last words. Obviously they were meant for Theseus, the two were supposed to get married soon, but then why did Newt feel like she had said those words to him. Newt was not surprised that he had failed to completely understand Leta's last words. Newt barely understood any people for that matter. He sometimes even failed to understand his own feelings. People in general were very complex and hard to understand, they weren't like his creatures; simple, loving and loyal. Leta had loved his creatures Newt thought sadly. The shock of Leta's death was wearing off and the grief began crashing in, wave after wave as he came to the realization that he had lost his friend. Being someone as socially awkward and evasive as Newt, friends did not come easy. Leta was one among a few which included Jacob, Tina and Queenie

Queenie. How could Newt have forgotten? Queenie had joined Grindelwald. The thought of it was heartbreaking. Newt could only imagine how Tina must have felt. After all Queenie was the only family she had left. Newt quickly turned to Tina. They were all sitting along a table in the staff room. Tina sat right next to him, her eyes were cast downwards and her face was blotchy. Had she been crying? Newt wanted so badly to comfort her but he didn't know how. He stared at her for a moment and then looked past her to Jacob who was sitting on her other side. Jacob didn't even attempt to hide his tears, he wiped his tears away with a handkerchief as they fell down continuously and silently. Newt looked around the table, everyone was in some state of grief. Newt looked back at Tina and this time she met his gaze. Her beautiful eyes that never failed to remind him of salamanders did not have their usual spark in them. He noticed how distraught she looked and in her eyes he could see that she felt so lonely and betrayed. At that moment he wanted to tell her that Queenie loved her and that she would come back and that there was no reason for her to feel lonely and betrayed because he would always be there for her and that he would never leave her. Newt wanted to say all these things to Tina but he shied away.

So instead he said, "Tina if you uh need anything or or anyone, I'm here for you".

"Thanks", she whispered in reply.

Once again Newt looked past her at Jacob whose handkerchief was now drenched. Newt felt for one in his pocket and passed it over to him. He nodded in gratitude. Tina turned towards Jacob as well.

"Jacob", she said catching his attention. "Queenie will come back to us as soon as she comes to her senses, I'm sure of it.'' But the way she said it, even Newt could tell she wasn't so sure herself.

"Yeah, yeah you're right," Jacob replied hopefully. 

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