Missing Her

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Newt had just finished feeding his creatures for the night. He climbed out of his suitcase feeling unusually sad. Taking care of his beasts was always his favourite thing to do and they always made him feel better. But he felt even better when Tina assisted him in taking care of his beasts. It was the first time in weeks that Newt tended to his creatures alone, without Tina. She had gone back to America with Jacob the day before, and even though it had only been a day, Newt felt a sort of emptiness and sadness engulf him without her around. Newt set his case by his bedside table and changed into his might clothes. He climbed into his bed and pulled the blankets over him. Before turning the lights off, he grabbed the letter Tina had sent that morning from his nightstand and read it.

Dear Newt

Jacob and I arrived in America safe and sound. I offered Jacob to stay with me because I know he feels incredibly alone because of Queenie, but he turned down my offer because going back to my place would remind him of the first time we all meant and he said that he simply did not want to deal with it all right now. Who can blame him though, this place doesn't feel the same without Queenie. It's very quiet and lonely here without her. Anyways, that's enough of me, tell me how your creatures are doing and how is Pickett and how are the baby nifflers. I already miss them. Tell them I said hi. Also let me know how you're doing.


It had probably been the hundredth time Newt had read the letter since it had arrived and he couldn't get over the fact that nowhere in the letter did it say that she missed him.

Don't be silly, it's only been a day, why would she miss me already?

But she said she misses your creatures already.

Well that's because she loves my creatures.

Dosn't she love you?

I'd like to think so but...

He kept arguing like this to himself in his head all day and he simply couldn't make sense of how Tina felt about him. She had seemed so upset about the fact that he was supposedly engaged to Leta Lastrange, but she didn't even write a simple "I miss you" in that letter. Sure, it had only been a day, but Newt missed Tina a lot, he missed her terribly. He wished she was here right now. Newt was hoping Tina felt the same way, but it didn't seem so after reading her letter. Quite some time had passed and Newt was still sitting up in his bed contemplating the letter in his hand. He threw the blankets off him and crossed the room and grabbed a piece of parchment and dipped his quill in the inkpot sitting on the corner of his table and he began writing.

Dear Tina

I'm very sorry about Jacob, I think it would be best to give him some space for a while, but don't take my word for it. And as for Queenie, don't worry yourself (you'll only be suffering twice if you do), I'm sure she will come back to us and help us defeat Grindelwald as soon as she sees reason. My creatures are doing fine and they miss you too. As for me, I'm doing fine. thank you for asking.


Newt reread the letter and thought it was a bit choppy, but he didn't know any better way to write back to Tina without sounding so desperate. He wanted to tell her that he missed her and he wanted to be with her and comfort her, but he decided against it. So he tied the letter to the leg of the grey owl that had carried Tina's letter and opened the window and let the owl out. He watched it until it was no longer visible against the night sky. Newt went to bed and found Pickett on his pillow.

Pickett looked at Newt with a searching expression

"No, Tina is not here Pickett, she went back to America yesterday," Newt told him sadly.

The bowtruckle seemed to slouch in response.

"Yeah I know you miss her, she misses you too."

Pickett gave Newt a questioning look.

"I don't know pickett, I sure miss her, I'm not sure if she feels the same way though."

Pickett flapped his leafy ears and what appeared to be a smirk formed on his tiny lips.

Newt sighed and said, "Yes Picket, I think I am in love with her," Newt looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought for a moment before noticing the look Pickett was giving him. "Stop looking at me like that Pickett," he tucked the bowtruckle into his pajama pocket, "It's time to go to sleep now." Newt pulled the covers over him and tried to fall asleep. 

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