
395 10 9

3rd POV

Thud. Thud. Thud.


Drip. Drip. Drip.


"And then I was like..."


"I'll beat you into next year!"

"MY CAKE!!!"

"Get me a beer!"

"I want sake!"






Dragon hearing could be a great advantage in battle or when stalking Gray, but sometimes being in such a noisy guild meant it could have it's issues and disadvantages.

It was just an ordinary day in Fairy Tail – some members were fighting, others were getting drunk or chatting; All in all it was completely normal.

When Natsu was younger he have had problems being in crowded or noisy places because there were too many sounds and smells to get his head around and he'd get dizzy and scared, his head would hurt, but he had gotten used to it little by little, and now he was completely fine with the chaos of the guild....most of the time, today, he had woken up with a headache. It wasn't too bad, kind of like a pressure build-up from high altitudes, but its severity and seriousness had been increasing exponentially throughout the day.

By the time he'd entered the guild his brain was pounding behind his head near his temples; he barely had the energy to keep walking for long, he walked into the guild and sat at a table in a dark corner near the back,away from everyone in hopes for the noise to come to a stop and demolish....BUT Karma Akabane had to come and jinx it. Each sound was getting 10 times worser than the previous and worser and worser and was described worser than the hottest fire of hell

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

"Gray your clothes!"


"...and next time we will..."

"And then I was like..."


"I'll beat you today fight me!"

"Get me more beer!"





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