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"UGH! We cant get ANY information from him!" Gray yelled swinging his arms up in the air, hitting Gajeel in the process. "Shit! Gray you need to be careful with those knifes!" Gajeel hissed while holding his bleeding cheek. Erza and Levy just looking in the sidelines... "sigh Gajeel go with Natsu so he can patch you up.." Erza said, already giving up on the idea of Interrogating the intruder. Levy walked up, her books preped on her hip, "I think-" she got interrupted by a loud scream coming from the interrogation room. "-that Wendy sure is a sadist..." Lucy said with giving the man pity. "Guys! I cant get any information from him!" Wendy whined, blood smeared on her face. "We all tried to get information from him but he seems to be really loyal to his boss" Carla said. "You guys should injure eachother.... I cant wait to be your healer 24/7" a new voice said, sarcasm clearly laced on the sentence "Greetings Natsu, hows Gajeel?" Erza asked "I cleaned him up, gave him pain killers... well I gave him sleep pills, he just didnt shut up --" Natsu said "so who's the dipshit who tried to kill Romeo?" Natsu asked, venom laced on the word dipshit. "Its a guy working for the UGA mafia.." Mira spat, Lisanna quickly adding to what her sister said "..we ALL tried to-...." "Lis you good kiddo..?" Freed asked while Levys eyes widen "ALL OF US BUT NATSU" she shouted "I dont get it --" Romeo said, but Erza, being the smartest, caught up on what Levy was implying. "Natsu can you try to interrogate the person?" Lucy asked, bracing herself for any outbursts "" "I'll do it.." "EH!?" Practically everyone yelled "I'll do it.." Natsu said, hair shadowing his eyes and a dark aura imitating from him. "Get me my revolver.." Natsu creepily said, a sadist smirk plastered on his face, scaring the shit out of all of them 'In all honesty Wendy is the most sadistic out of me, Gray, Levy, Gajeel, and the rest of the mafia.. but when it comes to Natsu..... hes the true sadist out of all of us in general' Erza thought while watching Natsu walk to the interrogation room, signaling them to watch


Natsu looked at the man who was trembling at just the sight of him, smirking Natsu put one bullet on the chain and locked it on the revolver. Slowly walking up to the man Natsu stopped midway, "Want to play a game...?" Natsu sickly asked, tilting his head while raising his gun slightly but not completely. "I'll go first" Natsu said and put the gun on the side of his head, without hesitation Natsu pulled the trigger..
The man widen his eyes waiting for the worst.. but nothing happened "see..? Everything is all just a game" Natsu said while pointing the gun to the man's fourhead "Your turn... I'll help you out though! But you can always back out and tell me all the information.." Natsu said looking at the trembling man
"Nothing..?" Natsu asked, receiving silence. "Oh well.." placing his finger on the trigger he looked at the man again but instead of a cold glare Natsu put on a more sadist look, making look insane. Nothing was said, then Natsu pulled the trigger

Natsu inwardly sighed, taking a few steps back and putting the gun to his head again "I know you're wishing for this to kill me..." Natsu said as he pulled the trigger, but nothing happened again "You see... I'm a pro at this game..." Natsu said as he put the gun down. The man let out a blood curling scream as Natsu walked up to him again, Natsu having a dark aura around him. "Its your turn..." Natsu whispered and put the gun to the older man's forehead "Tell me where they are located.." Natsu threatnatly said. The man was now fully scared, tears were at the edge of his eyes and frozen in fear "Tell me or you'll die... I know you have 3 kids waiting for papa to arrive home" Natsu said while taking out photos of the mans family and their location, the mans eyes just growing in utter horror "poor little girls... wont have pops anymore.. just because he didnt give away little Information.. so sad" Natsu said with a  taunt and sadist tone, putting his finger on the trigger Natsu started to slowly pull the trigger.. "WAIT!" The man screamed, tears flowing down his face "ILL TELL YOU THE LOCATION AND OTHER INFORMATION!" the man screamed "tell me.. then" Natsu sneered, clearing his throat the man started to give it sensitive information slowly and clearly, to which Natsu was nothing down on his notebook. "That's all I know.." "just please let me go.. I want to be there for my daughters! I dont want them to grow up without a dad!" The man wailed, Natsu just closing his notebook and getting his gun. Walking up to the door Natsu stopped at the entrance looking at the man "Oi pops look at me" Natsu said, to which the man looked at him, with his tear snot covered face "Do you love them?" Natsu asked as he inwardly smirked.. "YES I love them to the moon and back!" The man yelled, eyes never leaving Natsu's eyes. Raising his gun up slowly, which went unnoticed by the man "So you love them right..?" Natsu asked "With all my heart!" The man exclaimed "well that's too bad.." Natsu said as he shot the man straight on the heart. Walking to the group Natsu innocently smiled "Guys here ya go! I got the location, and even got some weaknesses!" Natsu said giving them his notebook, "well I got to check up on Gajeel.. Tell me when anythin'... fun happens.." Natsu said, blood splattered face being the last thing they see as he walked away. They watched everything unfold.... they saw Natsu's little game.. they saw the mans frantic face.. and all they could think was a single word


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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