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This will include a human AU
Magic dont exist unless you count real life voodoo shit...

This will include a human AUMagic dont exist unless you count real life voodoo shit

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ANYWAYS this is a human AU no magic and yesh.... bye!

👨‍💻👩‍💻 POV

"I have a mission for you"
A tall, strong man; about in his 40's said "Who am I gonna meet?" The other male questioned, looking unamused
"Laxus Dreyar, he wants a group eliminated quickly" The clearly older man said, "Laxus Dreyar!?" The teen exclaimed "the Fairytail mafia boss!?" "Yes him.. he normally would have taken care of this with his crew but shits been busy lately" "Kay! Oh my God though.. I cant believe I'm gonna meet a client.. after all these years Boss finally let's me interact with someone" the teen playfully said while dramatically flipping on his chair.

"Shut up Roman-acting-boy... just go to this address and go over the details, his place is 4 days away from here so he'll have a room already set for ya. Get going now brat" the boss said sternly, only smirking a little at the last comment before approaching the door. "Best of luck.... D.L.P."
"Call me Natsu like everyone else dipshit!" The teen identified as Natsu yelled at the closed door. "I Cant you whore!" A shout exclaimed through the closed door, smiling softly Natsu began to pack up.

I love timeskips.....
()   ()
(  • -•)
/>📱   I dont have ideas for transitions

As I stumbled out of dea- the train I began to think about which way I was going to go, deciding to sit down I took out the address again and went back to walking.

👩‍💻👨‍💻 POV

"Laxus have you gotten an assassin to deal with the group?" A shirtless guy asked, "Yeah, he goes by lots of names..." Laxus responded "what names does he go by?" The shirtless guy asked while 'loosing' his pants "one is DLP... another is Black Mamba" "Oh my god..." the almost naked guy gasped, "What is it Gray?" Laxus asked his um... almost naked friend. "You hired Japans African Wild Dog... THE Salamander..." Gray gasped out, "I guess I did" Laxus replied, "YOU WHAT!?" He heard a scream out side. Suddenly a scarlet haired girl kicked the door down, along with a black haired man. "YOU HIRED DLP!?" The red haired girl exclaimed, "I haven't done anything to my hair... God my outfit is a mess" she kept on rambling until she got cut off. "Why are you acting like this? You never do this.. even when a high class dude comes in" the black haired man asked, not really believing anything.

"Um guys theres a person out, he said he came for Laxus" a white haired girl said cutting off the tension "Great, bring him here Mira" Laxus ordered then looked at the other three people. "Gray put some clothes on.. Erza your fine and Gajeel... please do something about your hair." All of them following orders quickly; Gray was now sitting on a chair fully clothed, Erza was also sitting on a chair but looked nervous for some reason, and Gajeel tied his hair in a low ponytail resting on a corner of the room.

"Um please just ignore the broken door.. hehe.." they heard Mira nervously laugh at the door, "Its fine! Back at base my office is a wreck" they heard another voice say, probably helping Mira feel better. "Guys this is DLP please welcome him" Mira said as she stepped aside for DLP to come in, looking around the room DLP stopped at Erza; looking at Erza for a good 5 seconds DLP threw himself at Erza hugging her tight.

They were surprised to see that DLP was smaller than expected "Erza you dumbfuck how dare you leave me in the park" DLP halfheartedly laughed "Sorry I was against my will" Erza responded back laughing too. "Can you explain this..?" Gajeel asked "sorry sorry where are my manners.." they heard DLP say as he stood up, bowing slightly he continued to talk "Hello I'm Natsu Dragneel, but just call me Natsu" "oi Erza isnt your last name Dragneel?" Natsu heard Gray say, not really liking the dude already. "We're siblings, meet my younger brother Natsu" Erza introduced while looking at Natsu who just playfully smiled. "Didnt you say that you forgot your sibling in the park and that he got kidnapped?" Gray asked not really connecting the dots.
Facepalming at Gray, which everyone but Gray saw, Natsu glared in annoyance. "Connect the dots stripper... look she forgot her brother in the park:: The first thing I said to her right now: was 'How dare you leave me in the park'... both our last name is Dragneel...... we have similar hair.." Natsu said in exasperation. "Oh, I see now... Wait I'm not a stripper!?" Gray yelled while he was in his boxers. "Does this happen often?" Natsu asked Erza "yep.." Natsu was about to go talk to Laxus until he say Gray, completely naked... "JESUS CHRIST MY 18 YEAR OLD EYE DOESN'T NEED TO SEE THIS!" Natsu screamed covering his eyes and blindly hid behind Gajeel.

"GRAY! PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON RIGHT NOW" Laxus yelled while kicking Gray out of the room. "Sorry about him... anyways about the mission I here's the details" Laxus said giving Natsu a red folder.
"Let's see.... blah blah blah..4 ####*#### alleyway.. blah blah blah...." Natsu kept on muttering. Laxus,Erza,and Gajeel sweat dropping that Natsu is skipping information. "That's all I need the rest is trash!" Natsu said tossing the folder to the fireplace, letting the papers burn. "Wanna come h-Laxus?" Nastu asked, clearly surprised Laxus drew a faint smile, "sure thing"
And with that they were off...

Time skip. On top of a building

Staring into the sky Natsu began to set up his Sniper, Laxus who curiously looked down saw that they were too high and out of sight, but the bad thing is that the alleyway looked so small and far away he didn't know how Natsu would do this. "Isnt this too high? I can barely see a thing.." Laxus said as he squinted his eyes a bit more. " 'Sjust fine.." Natsu mumbled as he looked in the sniper, deciding to just stare at Natsu, Laxus noticing that Natsus Left eye looked odd.. lost in thought he didn't notice Natsu walk up to him. "YO! it's all done" Natsu said "I didn't even hear your shots.. not to say that the alleyway was to far away..." Laxus mumbled but Natsu caught on to it. " I used a silencer and a scope" Natsu said suprising Laxus, "Here let me give you a treat" Natsu said as he came closer to Laxus, sniper strapped on his back. Looking up at Laxus, Natsu tiptoed and kissed Laxus. "Bye!" Natsu exclaimed leaving a shocked Laxus..

The end

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