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It was a normal day in Fairytail, as Natsu was chatting with Mira Asuka came up to him "Natsu" "what's up Asuka?" Natsu responded with his signature grin.
"What's a polyship?"
That made everyone freeze, even Natsu "How did you learn that word?"
"I heard it outside!" Asuka exclaimed as she sat on a stool "Now please tell me what a polyship is" "Ask Levy! She knows big words" Natsu said "Levy went on a job with Lucy and Freed.." Asuka glumly said "So tell me please!" Asuka said instantly getting happy "Does anyone know what a polyship is!?" Natsu asked, but only receiving shakes from their heads "fucking idiots..." Natsu muttered under his breath, which Wendy, Gajeel, and Laxus heard making them snicker "well Poly means many" Natsu said receiving a nod from Asuka "and a ship refers to a usually romantic relationship between two people" Natsu said shocking many guild members that he even knew the meaning "so put the words together to get polyship! which is a relationship between three or more people like a threesome or a manysome" Natsu said getting a nod from Asuka "what's a threesome?" Asuka asked as Natsu faintly blushed " a threesome is a relationship where three people love eachother" "OH okay! But Natsu" "yes Asuka" "is there anyone that's in a threesome here in the guild" Asuka asked, taking a glance at Gajeel and Laxus (which went noticed by Wendy, Mira, and Erza) who nodded Natsu took a deep breath "Yeah, someone is in a threesome in this guild" Natsu slowly said, looking at everyone made him paranoid "Who are they!" Asuka asked ethusiatically
"They are... Laxus" all eyes were on Laxus but ears on Natsu "Gajeel" the eyes darted to Gajeel who was calmly eating metal "and..." Natsu muttered "WHO" both Levy and Lucy shouted (who were here the last few minutes) "...me" Natsu said as he looked away "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THIS" Gramps yelled from the balcony "How long have y'all been dating!?" Mira asked " "a year and few months.." Natsu replies still looking away "LETS CELEBRATE!" Gramps yelled hoping down next to Natsu "any babies yet?" Gramps asked in a much quieter voice knowing that Natsu is a submissive dragon slayer "no" Natsu replied calming down a bit. Making his hand grow big Makarov grabbed Gajeel and Laxus and threw them to Natsu "give me at least one baby" Gramps whispered so only they could hear it. Looking at natsu both Gajeel and Laxus smirked "gladly" Gajeel responded heading out the guild with Laxus and Natsu "BRATS BETTER HAVE ONE!" Gramps yelled receiving confused looks

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