Guardian Levi X Reader

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Levi's POV

Tch...of all the guardians here , why me ? What is their reason ? And why do I have to protect a lady ? Does she cannot take care of herself? Tch...I still can't believe it...

" Levi ! Are you listening ? " Erwin said .

" Tch . I'm fine...why do I have to take care of that woman ? "

" Levi , it is said in the moon that you are destined to take care of her...she's lonely and alone...most of all she's brokenhearted . "

" So are you saying that I must mend her broken heart ? Like that ? "

" go and find her... " Erwin said .

Tch...why do I have to mend this stupid woman's heart  ? She's so stupid that she even fell for a man that will only hurt her...such an idiot .

Y/n 's POV

Why ? Why do I have to suffer like this ? My mother and father just died in a car crash last week and my boyfriend Eren just broke up with me because he just loved me because we're rich . And instead he went for only friend...she betrayed me .

I was in my room , crying hard because of what happened to me . Until I heard some noise in the window .

" Huh ? W-who's there ? "

A man just walked in my window . No...he's not a man...a guardian...he's a guardian !

" Tch. I'm Levi...Levi Ackerman...I'm your guardian. I'm here t- "

" I're here to mend my heart right ? "

" How did you know that brat ? "

" My grandmother told me when I was little...she's the one who told me about guardians... " I said reminiscing the good times with my grandmother .

Levi's POV

Okay...she knows about us...thanks to her because I don't have to explain who we are and what do we do...and seriously ? She's brokenhearted with that ? Even she's sad and crying , she's still pretty...and a beautiful lady like that doesn't deserve a break up from her boyfriend...she seems kind and sweet too...wait , why am I like this ? Ughh..maybe I like this brat . I'm gonna ask her name and know more about her...

" Fine. What's your name , brat ? "


" Hey...calm down , brat . You might wake your neighb-"

" I told you it's Y/n ! "


Y/n's POV

Months passed , me and Levi have been getting good...he always protect me and comfort me . And that's why I liked loved him...but he doesn't know that . Of course he only treats me as a friend...Hah ! Why would I expect that he will like me back ? A guardian like's really impossible for him to have a girlfriend...

I was out of my thoughts when Levi called my name while watching a movie , eating snacks . 

" Y/n... "

" What is it , Levi ? "

" Have you found your new lover ? " Levi said while looking at my eyes .

" Nope. Not yet. " I said looking away from him , blushing a little .

" Good... " he murmurs .

" Why ? " I asked hoping for the good answer that will never happen in my life .

" Nothing...just asking. " he said looking away at me .

" Tell me Levi , is there something that you want to say ? It seems like you're concerned about my love life..." I said confused .

But Levi didn't answer me unless the room was filled with awkward silence and the TV was automatically off . Now I know that he's lying...

" Levi...tell ! You're always asking about my love life in this past weeks... "

" I told you ! I was just asking ! "

" Don't ever lie to me Levi , I know that you guardians are lying if the surroundings are awkwardly quiet . My grandmother told me that...all about guardians that she knows...she told me everything... " 

" Look...the day I met you , I have this weird were crying that time and I felt sad too. I don't know heart beats fast when I saw you , when I talk to you... " he said while holding my hand tightly .

" Levi... " I said suprised

" When I saw you...I feel my word has light in the middle of the dark . Your e/c are always making me lost in my thoughts . Your cheeks...I want to pinch them until they're red . And your rosy lips... " he said cutting off his speech for me .

" Levi...what about my lips ? " I said hoping that he will say that he wants to kiss them.Until I just felt his soft lips on mine . His lips were sweet and he was a good kisser . Our kiss was sweet at first but he deepened it , making a little make out session .

" Y/n...I love you.. so much... " he said as he kissed my forehead .

" I love you very much too , Levi...but what if Erwin knew about this ? I don't want to be far away from you...I love you , Levi...please don't go... " I said with worry in my voice .

" Don't worry , even if a guardian and a human cannot be together , I will be the rule breaker and prove that we are perfect for each other and we will never let go of each other's arms... " Levi said with great determination in his voice .

It seems that this will be a one hell of a long ride to prove that we're destined for each other .

The End

Levi Ackerman X Reader ( Oneshots and Lemons )Where stories live. Discover now