Levi X Sexy! Reader ( Lemon )

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Levi's POV

I am incredibly hot and horny this moment. I need my girlfriend Y/n to pleasure me. But when I saw her very beautiful body...FUCK !! I REALLY NEED HER BODY AND HER TOUCH !! I WANT TO TOUCH HER FACE, KISS HER NECK, TOUCH HER BEAUTIFUL CURVES...

I was out of my thoughts when someone knocked at the door. I tried to hide my arousal under my desk.

" State your name and business... "

" Y/n L/n...I'm here to visit you... "

YES ! This could be the moment !!

" Come in... "

She went inside my office and she's wearing her F/c sexy dress that I gave to her...

" Levi...I told you...it's a little revealing for me... " she said while blushing, embarrassed .

She's right. It's too revealing for her. Her dress was near at her thigh and her cleavage was shown a bit. Her slender, back was shown and I'm sure that when those brats saw my sexy girlfriend, they will praise her until their praise was turning into dirty compliments. Especially the 104th squad. Eren, Reiner, Jean and the others.

Because of her, wearing the dress...my hunger for her just became wilder. She looks so fucking beautiful in that dress.

" But...thank you so much, Levi...even it's too revealing for me, I want to thank you for giving me this...but I don't know when I can wear this thing... " she said while twirling around with the dress.

I can't take it anymore. I want her to touch me. I want to touch her. I got up from my chair and went to her, causing her to step backwards and I locked her with my arms above her head.

" Well you can wear this on our dates..." I said while caressing her hair.

" Yeah...you got a point in there.. "

" But you know what, Y/n ? "

" What is it , Levi ? "

" You're very beautiful in this dress...well, all the clothes you wear...you always look beautiful. " I said while my hands are going up and down and I can sense that she shivered at my touch.

" Really ? T-thank y-you...so much.. " she said while blushing.

Oh baby...I'm not done speaking...

" But you're more beautiful when you don't have clothes, my love...you're beautiful when you have these but when you're bare naked, I can see your true beauty in you... " I said while taking off her dress with my left hand while the right one, I used it to lift her chin.

" Levi... "

" Y/n... "

Our lips met in a slow but lovingly way. Her lips was sweet, gentle, soft and irresistible .

Y/n's POV

Levi's lips crashed into mine. His lips were smooth and soft and those lips were made for me. He was taking off my dress when our kiss was getting rough from a sweet, lovingly kiss.

We pulled away for air and look into his eyes. I can see love in his eyes, but it was only a little bit. Instead it was full of hunger and lust.

" Oh...baby, do you know I've been longing for your touch ? I'm so horny  now...I need you to pleasure me, I need you to pleasure you...so please let's make love and make this night full of moans and groans and I will not allow you to walk for a month. " Levi said after he completely removed my dress, leaving me in my F/c bra and panties, with his arms at my waist.

Levi Ackerman X Reader ( Oneshots and Lemons )Where stories live. Discover now