Ash Ketchum x Reader x Gary ~Old promises (Part one)

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~5 years ago~
"Bye (Y/n),Bye Gary, bye Ash" Lauralee shouted, she was ten and going to travel With Green Oak,Red Ketchum and Blue(they don't look old timey ok) . "UNTILL WE MEET AGAIN!!!!" They shouted. I was sad... why?? Because my best friend left and in 4 years Gary AND Ash will leave me...

"Ash..." "Yeah??" "When you leave on your Journey... Promise me that...we will battle!! And if I win you give me a... a..." "A what??" I thought... what was it that mommy gives daddy??... ah ha!!! "A KISS!!!" He looked shocked and nodded.

~present time~
Me and (S/p) were traveling in the Kalos Region. (S/p means Starter Pokemon)
Lauralee became a legendary trainer,who some how became a half Zoroark, Red became a Pokemon master and Green became a work renowned Pokemon professor.

Lauralee said she'd meet me in lumious city for a battle. Then I saw Ash!!!
He was handsome. I blushed. I saw a boy and two girls with him. One looked around six and one looked his age. I walked over and ended up face planting.

"Are you ok??" "I-I'm fine" I look to see who helped me up. "(Y/n)??" A familiar voice says. "Ash, I'm so sorry I wanted to talk to You, who are these people?" I ask, real smooth...

"These are Bonnie she's six, Clemont, Bonnie's big brother who is 11 and Serena and she is also 11. So why are you here??" He asks. I hesitate. "To battle Lauralee" I manage to blurt out. "How about a battle??" He asks. "Sure!!!! One on one though.... I only have (S/p)." I say, he nodded.

~Time skip~
"I... I won!!" I say. It was a tough battle but I won!! Ash's Pikachu fainted!!!
He walked up to me. "Not bad" he said. Distant clapping was heard. There was Lauralee and a tall green haired male.

"Sorry to interrupt... I am Lauralee, the legendary trainer, and this is my...uh... 'best friend' N" she said, but made air quotes on 'best friend' ha ha.
She and I battled, I stood no chance.

Before we all parted ways Ash came up to me. "You won OUR battle right?? My new rival!!" I chuckled. He put his hands on my waist and kissed me.
I kissed back putting my arms around his neck.

We broke apart. "There I fulfilled my promise... I...uh Love you" I kiss him again.
"I love you too Ashy Boy :)" I say.

~in the distance Gary's p.o.v~
Grr... I watch them kiss and love each other
Not fair Ashy boy!!! I loved her first!!!
~5 years ago~
"One day I will marry you (y/n)-chan" a little Gary says.
A 5 year old (Y/n) replies "Ok Gary-chan!!! And Ash will be our Best man!!"
Gary smiled
~present day~
I will marry you (Y/n)!!!
And I'll kill Ash if I have too!!!!

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