Chapter 1 (It Hurts)

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It hurt.

That was all Marinette could say about her situation. It just hurt.

Kagami had done it. She won.

Marinette was friends with Kagami, but they were still in a little competition. They both loved Adrien.

Kagami was more confident and wasn't afraid of telling Adrien she liked him. Marinette was. Kagami fenced. Marinette didn't. Kagami understood having an overprotective parent. Marinette didn't.

She had known him longer, yes, but she wasn't that close to him. Kagami was though. And, on top of that, she was more similar to him. Marinette didn't see it at first, but as she got to know Adrien and Kagami more, she realized how alike the two were...

Stupid, stupid Marinette! Falling in love so easily with someone you hardly know. Why am I so clumsy? I fall into everything! Marinette thought, holding back tears as she finished up the food on her plate. Once she was finished, she hurried up to her room without a word, fearing that she would break infront of her parents, who looked after her in confusion and concern as she left.

She couldn't cry. Not infront of people. Not even her own family. She had to stay happy, strong Marinette. People liked her when she was happy. Who wants to be around someone who stresses and cries all the time? She had to cover up her emotions.

She knew she could talk to Luka at least. He was kind and helpful after Loveater, and he sacrificed himself for her. He would clearly do anything for Marinette. Even if that thing hurt him.

She also had Chat... But that was when she was Ladybug, and they couldn't just sit around and talk--they were superheros. They had a job to keep Paris and it's civilians safe and she took that very seriously. It would be nice to just hang out with her partner, though.

There was another problem with talking to Chat; he liked her. She couldn't talk about her crush with him, that'd be cruel. And she also didn't want anyone to see Ladybug as weak. So that only left Luka and Tikki. Though, she had no choice but to tell Tikki things. The kwami had to know if there was something wrong with her holder, that way she could keep an eye out for Akumas. Plus, Tikki was always with Marinette. She heard everything she would say, even if the young heroine didn't want her to hear it.

Marinette climbed into her terrace so she wouldn't be seen or heard by her parents. It was night, so nobody from below would be able to see her, and there were very few people out anyways.

As soon as her head poked out from the trap door she let the tears she was holding back go. She curled up on a chair and let all the pain and stress out while Tikki watched her with concern. The small creature huddled up into her holders cheek and gave her a hug, attempting to comfort the young girl.

"It's okay, Marinette..." She soothed.

"No, it's not! I can't keep doing this, Tikki. I can't... I wish I could just take a break from being Ladybug, from even being Marinette. I can't keep pretending everything's fine when it's not! My friends don't even all trust or care about me enough to believe me over Lila. Adrien did, but he hardly even knows me! I hardly even know him. Why did I think I stood a chance against Kagami? Of course he'd like her. She's confident and strong and... She'd be a better Ladybug than I am! She is everything I am as Ladybug as her civilian self. She'd be a much better hero than me... Chat would fall for her, really fall for her. Her confidence wouldn't be a lie, she-"

"Don't say that! You are Ladybug with or without the mask. I've told you! And just because Adrien doesn't like you that doesn't mean nobody will. Actually, plenty of boys like you already. Like Luka and Chat Noir! Give one of them a chance. And who knows; maybe Adrien does like you after all, and he just hasn't realized it yet... Just move on and become better friends with him. He might not be who you think, and that could be a good or bad thing. Or neither. It'll be alright, Marinette. It really will."

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