Chapter 9 (Everyone has flaws)

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Thanks for the surprising amount of votes on this! I know it's not much but it seriously means a lot. I didn't expect all this support :)

Anyways, you're here for the story, not my talking. Les get started! :P


"Princess~" Chat called, knocking on Marinette's window. He didn't peek in, just in case she was changing or something, but wanted to get her attention.

Marinette saw him and hurried to let him inside, frowning. "What're you doing here, Chat? It's pouring outside!"

"I'm here to see you. We had an arrangement, right?" He gave her a grin.

"Ugh, Chat, you're soaked! Stay right there, let me get you a towel. Do not go on any of my stuff."

"Whatever you wish, Princess."

Chat remembered the competition, and his prize, but he didn't bother asking her to do anything. It was her home, he shouldn't tell her what to do. Even if he had won a bet. Not like he wanted her to do anything anyways, except bring him food.

And maybe give him some affection. Every compliment from her made his heart explode. He didn't know why, exactly, but it was probably because of the lack of true compliments he would receive. When she called him cute, he knew it was because of how he was acting; not because he simply looked cute. Though, that was probably still a factor of it.

Marinette returned with a warm looking, fluffy pink towel. It looked to be fresh out of the dryer. "Here," Marinette held it out for him. "Next time, at least put on a jacket. I don't want my little kitten getting sick."

"If I do get sick, I know my princess will take care of me!" Chat said brightly, ruffling his hair with the towel to dry it.

Marinette rolled her eyes, "I don't want you travelling here while you're sick, as much as I'd like to take care of you, that'd just make it worse."

"How could anything involving you turn out to be bad?"

"Ppft, if you knew me outside of our visits you wouldn't consider things with me in them good. Love triangle? Sucked for me. Stairs? I can't even count the times I've fallen. Actually, I seem to be able to trip on air... So walking is bad with me, and-"

"So, a boy failed to recognize how amazing you are... His loss. And so what if you're clumsy? Everyone has flaws. You seem to have very few."

Marinette blushed, "u-um, I'm gonna go get you your food now."

Shoot, did I make her uncomfortable?

Kid, I swear-

Get outta my head, Plagg.

I'm forced to listen to your thoughts! I would ignore them if I could, trust me, I can't bear to listen to you being a complete idiot!

Chat sighed, trying to force his thoughts to something else.

Camembert, camembert, camembert, camembert! Plagg chanted in his head.

Plagg! I don't want to think about your stinky cheese!

Well I don't wanna think about all your girlfriends!

I only have one, ka-

-gami. But you think about Marinette and Ladybug the same way! And worse!

"Chat? Are you okay?"

"Hm? Yeah... Er, my kwami can hear my thoughts and talk in my head. He's... Annoying."


"Oh. Well, here." She handed him a plate of food.

"Thanks!" He purred, making Marinette giggle. He smiled and raised a brow, "what're you laughing at?"

"Your cuteness. What else?"

Chat blushed, and Marinette was inwardly screeching at herself for saying that. It was a Chat Noir line, not a Marinette line!

"What?" She covered up her embarrassment with a smirk, "kittens are cute. No matter how ugly they may look."


Marinette laughed, "you look better than me at least!"

Chat frowned, "Princess..."

Marinette looked at him, "I-... I was joking. You look fine Chat."

"I know you were teasing, but I don't appreciate you talking bad about yourself." He glared, she looked at him and blushed.

"Again, I was joking... I don't really think I look that bad."

"That bad? You don't look bad at all! You're beautiful!"

Adrien, she's red. Stop before you break her.

I'm just saying, she shouldn't talk like that about herself! She's beautiful, not at all ugly.

And you say you don't like her...

Shut up, Plagg!

Marinette was frozen, face flushed. She soon shook away her blush and smiled awkwardly at Chat, "thanks... Er, anyways, what do you wanna do?"


Marinette rolled herself out of bed, groaning. "Mhh, Tikki... What time is it?"

"Eleven thirty, but it's Sunday."

Marinette yawned, "right... I'm meeting Alya at twelve, so I better get ready."

"Maybe you won't be late for once!"

"Don't jinx me!"

"You'll be fine. You should probably take a shower, though. You smell like camembert."

"Oh, yeah. Chat de-transformed again last night."

"You really shouldn't be risking that, Marinette. You can't know his identity."

"I know, I tried to tell him."

"I think it was Plagg, mostly. He tried talking to me. That could've ended badly."

"Wait, he knows..?"

"Yep! You were Lady Noire, weren't you?"

"Oh. I almost forgot about that!"

"Go take a shower Marinette! You won't be on time if you wait!"

"Right, thanks Tikki!"


Updated this a day late... Oof. Yesterday was uh... Very busy... Kinda stressful but ended well. I was hanging out with my friends most of the day, and my crush found out I like him... (He likes me back :3) and yeah, just really busy.

This was really short, too. Like, not even 1000 words :/ I'll try to make next chapter longer.

Anyways, thanks for reading, bye!

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