Chapter 10 (Ice-cold breakup)

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"Bye girl!"

"See you tomorrow Alya! Oh, and tell Nino I said hi."

"Will do. Tell Chat Noir the same if you see him again, and ask him for an interview. I'll send you questions, just-"

"He doesn't pay me frequent visits. He's a superhero after all, he has better things to do."

Alya gave her a suspicious look, "if you say so. People have been seeing him on your street though..."

"Patrol, probably."

"Uh-huh... Well... See you at school."

"See ya!"

Marinette sighed, walking slowly as she thought. She wanted to keep the visits secret. She should never have admitted to any of them... She especially didn't want Luka to know, fearing he might think she was cheating.

I really should break up with him, this is really awful of me. I said I'd give him a chance but... I keep making excuses not to go on dates. Either I go on one and give him a chance or I end it. I'm just... Playing with him. It's unfair.

She sighed once again, frowning. "Marinette, you need to choose... What would be kindest..?" She murmured to herself.

As if he heard his name in her thoughts, Luka ran over from across the street. "Marinette!" He smiled, "I was just about to get ice cream. I was gonna go with Rose but she had plans with Juleka. Want to come with me instead? Unless you have something you need to do."

"O-oh! No... I just said goodbye to Alya. My parents already know I'm out so... That'd be great!" Marinette spoke nervously, this is the right thing to do. I need to give him a chance!

"Cool! Let's go then, Mousie~"

Marinette giggled, "you know, you kinda look like Viperion. If we're going off of hero's, should I call you... Snakie?" Awful nickname, but I don't know what to call him... Other than just, well, Luka.

"Sounds perfect, my love."

His words made Marinette cringe. He's calling me his love... It doesn't feel right though.

"Yeah..." She laughed awkwardly, clenching her teeth in a nervous smile.

"Is something wrong..?" Luka frowned. Marinette's eyes widened.

He can tell I'm nervous? Mh... What'll I say? I can't hurt him... I may not really like-like him but I want him in my life... I can't lose him... "I-I'm fine! Just not used to the whole relationship thing, I guess..."

"...Are you sure you're ready for a relationship in the first place?"

"I... Yeah! Just... Mnn..."

"Just not with me..."

"Nono, Luka! I-I do care about you! Now... Let's get on with the ice cream!"

"Right... Would you like to share?"

"Sure! What about... Blackberry and Blueberry?"

"Sounds good to me," Luka smiled, a hint of sadness behind it. Marinette didn't seem to take notice though, wrapped up in her own concerns between them.

After they received their treat, they sat down on a bench nearby and shared it. They ate in silence, and their worries drifted away for the moment.

See? This is nice... Giving him a chance was the right thing to do! Marinette stared at Luka, smiling. "Sorry I've been so awkward, I don't know exactly what to do. But this is nice."

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