Okay, so this is a dream I had. I know that everything that begins with "The" and ends with "Fic" is usually life scarring but this isn't.
Imagine Gerard and Frank from the Na Na Na video.
Frank was driving in a race car on a highway.
He was very concentrated because he had a place to be, even though he didn't know where.
He just knew he had to be somewhere.
During the trip, he stopped in a metro station, where there was a very big aquarium.
He got out of the car and walked towards it.
In the tank there was a big shark peacefully swimming in it.
There was also a guide explaining how that shark, was in fact, a special shark, because he was vegetarian.
He wasn't interested in blood and flesh, but preferred seaweed and all that jazz.
The guide said that people could go in the aquarium with the shark if they wanted.
At that moment there was just one thought crossing Frank's mind: "rad".
He just had to go in there.
So, completely forgetting about his nice race car, and the place he should be in, he told the guide he wanted to go.
He wore a diving suit, and put some red ink on his tongue, so that he could keep his breath for a few minutes while under water.
John Lennon did the same and the guide opened the door of the aquarium and closed them in.
In all of this, no one noticed that Gerard was in his race car, parked in the metro station too.
He had a place to be too, but he didn't know where that place was either.
He was taken aback though, when his eyes landed on Frank in the tank.
It had been years since they broke up and since then, they never saw or talked to each other again.
At that point, all the emotions that Gerard had spent years on suppressing, resurfaced and Gerard couldn't deny it: he missed Frank.
He had forgot about him during those years, but now he was there, just some meters away, in a tank with John Lennon.
Gerard couldn't let him go this time too, so he waited for Frank to get out so he could fix things.
Frank and John were observing the shark, remaining by the aquarium door.
Frank wondered how there could be a door in a water tank, since water was supposed to flow away. Since the water didn't get out though, it didn't matter.
Suddenly, the shark that was calmly swimming far from them, made a sharp turn and tried to attack them.
John and Frank immediately opened the door and the guide hurried them out of the tank just in time.
They didn't understand. The shark was vegetarian, he wasn't supposed to attack people.
Gerard, seeing Frank almost die, immediately ran to him.
Frank was surprised but also annoyed at the sight of Gerard.
He had broke his heart, and since then he hadn't seen him in years and he wanted to keep it like that.
Frank crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, waiting for what Gerard had to say.
Gerard instead just hugged him and said "Frank, what were you thinking? You could've died!"
Frank was surprised by the hug and as much as he hated it, he kinda enjoyed it.
"Plus, I didn't like the way the shark moaned at you." Gerard whispered in his ear and pulled back but still stayed close to Frank.
(Yes, he literally said that in the dream lol)The short man shivered at those words but soon sassily replied "Are you jealous of that shark?"
Gerard took Frank's hands in his and looked at him in the eye "maybe".
Frank just rolled his eyes and smiled. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he kind of missed Gerard too.
Frank led him to his race car and they got in.
He began driving and a strong wind was blowing in their face seeing as it was a race car, therefore Frank was driving at a high speed.
They still didn't know where they were going, but they were together and that was all that mattered.
Though, while they were driving on the highway, Frank spotted one of his relatives on a motorbike.
He kinda hated that person so he changed direction and went the other way.
- - -
They had been driving for a while and it was now evening.
They decided to stop at a train station and sit on a bench.
There was no one except them and a mother with a kid.
The little girl was playing with a doll, while the mother was observing her.
There was complete silence, except for the kid mumbling stuff to herself, probably narrating the story she was imagining.
Gerard looking at the toddler couldn't help but notice how awfully big her head and the head of her doll were, compared to their body.
It was pretty weird so he whispered it to Frank, trying not to be heard by the mother of the kid.
Frank laughed and Gerard stated that in fact, he never thought kids were cute or adorable because that was just a lie.
Babies are never cute, but when you see one, society wants it to be the most adorable thing you've ever seen in your life and if you don't act like it, then you're just straight up rude and no one will ever talk to you again because who thinks that babies are ugly? Rude people.
After a while they decided to go back in the car and start driving again, to get to that certain place that they didn't know where it was but knew they had to go to.
I wrote this in class in about an hour lol.
Also, this doesn't have anything to do with the story but today I had just gotten on a tram and this guy stands up from his seat. I thought he was offering his seat to me so I just smiled and said "No, thank you" and the dude just looked at me with a weirded out expression but I didn't understand why. After a few moments I realized he just got up because that was his stop and he just had to get off the tram...