Girl with the green eyes

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Ansel Pov:

Once I get out of the building I have no idea where to go.

I have millions of places to go and people to meet, but I can't think of a single place that sounds particularly inviting at this moment in time.

I need a drink.

I take a Taxi to the most popular club in town; Union Rooms.

I get out of the taxi and see people swarming around the place, queuing to get in, drinking, kissing and laughing.

I look like such a looser on my lonesome.

I join the back of the queue to get in.

The queue moves fast and I'm eventually let in by the bouncer without a second glance.

I walk over to the bar.

"Hey, can I have 3 shots of raspberry vodka please." I say.

"Yeah." The bartender hands me the shot glasses.

I down the first one, wincing at the bitter taste. Then the second, and the third.

"Someone's drinking away their feelings." Says an unfamiliar voice behind me.

I turn around and see a petite dark skinned girl with enormous green eyes.

She walks and stands next to me.

"24 Raspberry shots, please." She says to the bartender, handing over two $50 bills.

The bartender hands her the shots.

She bites her lip then pushes half of them in my direction.

"You want me to have these?" I ask.

She looks up at me, "Please. Take them."

It's not like they're drugged or anything, I just saw the bartender pour them.

I nod, "Okay. Cheers."

We clink the shot glasses together then drink.

"Ugh." The girl says after drinking the shot.

"Bitter right?" I say.

The girl laughs, "You could say that!"

My phone rings in my pocket.

I look at the screen:
2 missed calls Levi

"Let me just take this, i'll be right back." I say.

The girl nods and smiles at me.

I ring Levi back and go stand in a quieter corner of the club.

"Mate, where are you?" Levi says before I get to say anything.

"Out." I say.

"What can I hear? Are you in a club? Have you ordered strippers or something, Ansel?" Levi asks, seeming genuinely serious.

"What? No! I'm at Home. I'm just watching a film.." I say.

"You want me to come over?" He asks.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm just gonna go to bed." I say.

"Ah, alright. See you tommorow morning, mate. Don't forget you said you'd come with me to meet with Uncle Theo." Levi reminds me.

"Yes, yes. Whatever." I say, "Bye."

I hang up.

I walk back over to the girl, I don't even know her name.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm good." I smile.

She hands me another shot.

~ The next morning ~

I open my eyes and look at the ceiling.

It's only a few seconds before I realise it's not my ceiling.

I sit up and my head throbs. I wince and put a hand on my head.

I look around the room, I'm in a bed alone. Definitely a girls bedroom because of the pink bedsheets.

Oh no, I check underneath the covers. Yep, I'm naked. We all know what alcohol + girls + boys means.

"Crap.." I say to myself.

I pull the covers around me, and look round the bedroom for my clothes.

I find them by the door.

I'm slipping into them when the bedroom door opens.

"Oh, Ansel, your awake!" The girl from last night says happily.

I look up at her from the floor, "Ah, yeah." I say, "This might be awkward,
But did we, you know, know?"

The girl laughs, "Ohhhh yeah! Best ever! You don't remember?"

I groan, "No." I sigh and pull up my jeans, "So, I should be going."

"Wait, really? Without a round two?" She says, dreamily.

"Yes. I'm going without a round two." I say, slightly disgusted.

"Aww, why?" She says walking towards me.

"Because I have to be somewhere." I say checking my phone for the time.


Shit, Levi was supposed to be at my apartment 2 hours ago.

I head for the door.

"I'll call you." I say, opening the door.

"But I didn't give you my number." The girl says.

"Oh well." I say slamming the door behind me.

I run out of her house and quickly get a taxi to my place.

I run up the stairs and into my apartment.

Pierce and Levi are sat at my kitchen table.

"Hey, guys..." I say.

They both look at me, Levi looks angry and Pierce looks worried.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" They both shout in unison.

"Sorry I'm late." I say.

"Yeah, 2 hours late. You said you were here last night and you obviously weren't, where were you?" Levi scowls.

"Look, I'm a big boy. I can look after myself and I most certainly don't have explain myself to you." I say harshly.

"No, but you will have to explain to my Uncle Theo why we were so late to meet him." Levi says.

"Your Uncle Theo and I are mates so I shouldn't think that would be too much of an issue but whatever." I say, "You wanna go?"

Levi sighs and stands up, "See ya later Pierce."


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