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Ansel Pov:

We were 3 hours late to meet Theo. If I'm being honest, Theo does scare me slightly. The way he furrows his eyebrows makes him look extremely intimidating sometimes.

Levi and I walk into the coffee shop where we were meeting Theo. He is sat at a table in the corner with his hood up, trying not to get noticed. I decide to do the same, considering I just spotted a group of teenage girls in the corner.

Theo spots us and smiles, which relieves me slightly. He's not mad that we're late because he was late too but he arrived 30 minutes ago.

"Ansel, how's it going?" Theo asks.

"It's all good. I-um yeah." I say.

"What he means to say, uncle, is that he's hopelessly in love with a girl he met 5 years ago who recently came back into his life but, does not love him back." Levi says quickly.

Theo raises his eyebrows and laughs, "Ansel, not getting the girl he wants?! SHOCKING! Wait, you say 5 years ago? That's when Insurgent came out, right?"

I nod, "Yeah I met her when it came it out..."

"Not the brown haired with the blue eyes girl from London?" Theo asks.

"Mayyybbee." I say.

"My god Ansel! Anyway, you little player, you moved on quick, huh?" Theo frowns.

"How's Skye doing?" Levi asks suddenly.

"Um, well the last time I saw her which was 2 weeks ago, I think...she was fine! But, I left her with Shai to finish up filming in Atlanta and Shai rang me yesterday saying she found Skye purging and then, she saw marks on Skye's wrists so she's taking her to a therapist today." Theo tells us.

I look at Levi, he looks so helpless it makes me want to cry.

"Theo, would you like to come back to New York with us? We'll make Fajitas!" I laugh elongating the 'itas' in 'Fajitas'.

"Yeah, that sounds good. You up for that Levi?" Theo asks.

Levi nods.

Sally's Pov:

"You were not a extra in Paper Towns!" I laugh.

"I swear, I was! You only saw little chubby 15 year old me walk past in the background for a second but it was me!" Charlie says.

"I don't believe youu!" I grin.

"Why would I lie about it?! Hey, look," Charlie picks up the 'Paper Towns' movie off the shelf in Target, "Buy it, and you'll see, I shall point myself out."

"I have it at home, come on." I drag him down the aisle towards the door.

A newspaper on the shelf catches my eye: ANSEL ELGORT HIRES A PROSITUTE?

"Oh my god.." I pick up the newspaper.

"Holy crap, man!" Charlie laughs.

"Charlie, it's not funny! He's obviously going insane!!" I say only half serious.

I can't believe it, the picture is obviously Ansel, handing a slutty looking girl money before her leading him into an apartment building. The fact that Ansel has recently got with another girl, makes me feel betrayed in ways I can't understand.

I buy a copy of the newspaper to show Ansel later, I need to make sure this is him.

As Charlie and I pull up in the drive, a few boys get out a taxi behind us. It takes me a second to realise it's Levi, Alex, Ansel and Theo James!

I fangirl for second before mentally scolding myself as I'm a grown woman now and have grown out of my 12 year old ways...kind of.

"Hey!" Alex waves to us as we get out the car.

Ansel turns round smiling, his face drops when he sees Charlie and I.

"Hey guys!" I smile.

"Where's Lucy?" Levi asks

"And Maddy?" Alex adds.

"In our flat, you wanna come in?" I ask.

"No." Ansel says quickly.

Everyone looks at him and frowns, "Uh, wouldn't want it to be over crowded.." Ansel says.

"Says the New Yorker?" Theo says.

"You can come mine, and Ansel, I need to talk with you, privately for a minute." I say.

Ansel nods.

Charlie squeezes my hip before letting me walk off with Ansel.

"So? What did you wanna talk about?" Ansel asks when the others have gone inside.

I pull the newspaper out my bag and hand it to him, "This."

Ansel's eyes widen as he reads the newspaper article.

"Shittttt. How many newspaper's is this printed on?!" Ansel asks.

"It's from a very popular newspaper, Ansel! How fricking many do you think?!" I ask.

"Thousands..Oh crap. My parents are gonna be so ashamed." Ansel says scratching the back of his head.

"So it's true?" I ask.

Ansel looks at me, "Sally, you're a genius! I'll just get another popular newspaper to interview me and i'll say that it's a load of bullcrap!"

I shrug.

Ansel pulls me into a tight hug and kisses my forehead.

"Hey, hey! Calm yourself, boy!" I giggle.

Ansel winks at me.

"But Ansel, you realise that it's obviously you in the photo and some people won't believe you." I say.

"Well at least most people will believe me?" Ansel says hopefully.

I smile and we head back into the house.

I push open my apartment door and everyone is sat on the long sofa's apart from Levi - who's sat on the floor in between Lucy's legs as she plays with his hair.

I sit in the space next to Charlie. He laces our fingers together and gives me an encouraging smile. Ansel sits in the armchair next to Alex.

Ansel Pov:

Alex frowns at me as if to say 'what was that about?'

'I'll tell you later' I mouth.

Alex nods.

I open up my twitter and the prostitute story is everywhere! There's even a wide world tag trending called #Water4ansel 

I roll my eyes and type a tweet;
Hey guys, I'm guessing most of you saw the newspaper this morning or found out about it elsewhere but I just want to say that the whole prostitute thing is completely false. And thank you, but my thirst is completely quenched. ;)

I post the tweet and within seconds get load of feedback:


..But it really looks like you?..

YAYY! Thanks for clearing that up for us, we were starting to freak out! - Anselites 😘

Still think you as thirsty af. MAN WHORE!


I suddenly get a text from Sally

Sal: Hey, I saw your tweet. You okay? Btw, I don't think your a man whore x

Me: Yeah I'm fine. Get me a glass if water will ya? ;) I'm kidding. Ily Sal :)

Sal: Ily too.

I smile at my screen and look at Sally. Her cheek pressed against Charlie's chest as they talk quietly. Whir of jealously spirals through me. I manage to contain it and try to focus on the tv though I can't stop watching them out the corner of my eye.

How I wish that was me.

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