Chapter 11

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Lunch soon came around and I was so tired. My legs were hurting from my gym class I had and I don't even remember having to take gym at Mcnary. I'll survive though. It doesn't matter to me, it's just hard getting into the swing of everything in such short amount of time. I walked over to my light blue scratched up locker and opened it. "Hey." I heard mumbled. I turned around and saw this brunette hair girl standing behind me. Umm.. okay. "Hi?" I said back. I was so clueless. Who the heck is she.. 

"I'm Lisa." She said introducing herself. "i'm in your math class." "Oh, right. What's up?" I asked,. maybe a civil conversation wouldn't hurt. " "I saw you on the bus yesterday.. good job for standing up to Elizabeth." She smiled a tiny bit, showing a bit of her white straight teeth. "Thanks, i normally don't do that.. but she was irritating.. " I smiled as I was recognized for standing up for myself for once. "No problem. See you later." She smiled and waved her tiny tan hand, while walking into the commons. 

You know.. facing these type of people, are never easy.. I sighed and shut my locker, than turned the corner seeing someone I wanted to avoid so badly.. "Oh, Taylor!" I heard. I started running and ran into the bathroom, than into a stall. "Taylor.. come out.. Please, I wanna talk." The soft tone said through the door. I slowly came out and walked out of the bathroom, stepping in front of Traven. "Yes?" I mumbled. "I wanted to ask, if you would like to go get lunch with me, you look like you haven't eaten recently."A caring person? Woah, that's a first for moving here. No one cares.. Why is he seeming to notice the weight I've lost drastically but.. no one else has? "Non-sense, I ate a couple minutes ago.." I said, lying right through my teeth. 

"Taylor, you look like you haven't eaten in 2 months, what's going on with you?" "Nothing, Traven.. I just ate.. okay, leave me alone." I said and walked away from the boy. I walked into my writing class and sat down at my desk. "Taylor?" Mr.Adams said, (he's my English and writing teacher) "Uh, yeah?" I asked, turning a little in my seat. "Why are you in here? Lunch isn't over for another twenty minutes. "I know... Just, didn't have anything to do." I said and turned back around, grabbing out my phone and ear buds. I looked through my phone and saw a text from Kyle, and Sabrina. (Please be okay wife, Kyle showed me your message, i know you are okay but still. call me if you need someone.-Sabrina) I smiled a tiny bit. then frowned.. I miss home. Home.. this is my home for now.. my temporary home.. I than looked at the message from Kyle, ( Hey boo, just wanted to tell you I love you and be safe,okay?) I smiled, than messaged him back, (I love you too.. I miss you so much) 

"Taylor?" I looked up and saw Mr.Adams in front of me. "Are you okay?" I smiled.. Wow, a teacher is finally asking if I'm okay.

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You seem really sad."

"I'm okay mr.Adams, thanks." He gave me a quick smile and patted my shoulder. I laid my head down on the desk and closed my eyes, listening to music always helped clear my mind, It is like when you see someone you like and get butterflies in your stomach, it's like that but with music, I can feel all my worries just slip away during that one amazing song. I soon felt someone tap my shoulder, and I opened my eyes and looked up at Mr.Adams. "Class is starting." He said, in a deep tone. "Thanks, I mumbled and put away my phone and rubbed the sleep form my eyes, and got ready fro class. 


(I love you too.. I miss you so much.-From Tay) I  frowned at her message.. "Kyle?" I looked up from my phone to Sabrina and Fallon.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"How's she doing?" They both asked, knowing that I got a message from her. 

"Um.. she's doing okay.. " I trailed, i don't actually know this but still. I turned my phone off and continued eating lunch.. I wonder if anyone is making her eat. She seriously seems like she hasn't. I went on to her instagram and saw new pictures.. the caption made me sad.. It was a picture of me and her before she left, tears were streaking her face. (caption: I miss my home.. I don't wanna be here. Please.. just take me away my guardian angel) 

"I know Kyle. It's hard to know.. I saw the picture too.. I'm sorry.. Just call her tonight and make her smile please." Fallon said. I nodded sincerely and put my phone down.. Class was about to start,, 5th period.. yay.. German .. not.. I haven't really been wanting to pay attention in any of my classes. My mind always trails off to Taylor, so I didn't really see the point of going to class. I pulled up my mom's contact. "Mom? Will you come get me?" I asked, "Trailing off again.?" She asked. "Yeah." I said and my voice cracked.. "I'll be there soon." The line went dead and I grabbed my stuff and waited for my mom to come. 

As she pulled me out, I was standing there, staring at my phone. I just need one message, one freaking message, that's all it takes. (Hey, this is Taylor's Writing teacher. Mr.Adams.. um.. She went to the bathroom and hasn't came back yet.. I saw you were the only person on her messages.. so I messaged you. What is Taylor Facing? Because she has seemed really upset since she came to the school.) Her teacher messaged me.. should I message back? Maybe he can help her.. ( she was forced to move to Illinois with her father. and she has really bad depression and anxiety, she is also anorexic so if you see her come in during lunch, give her something, because she will make up an excuse saying she ate.) I typed back, it was a lot of information to tell him and I really hope she doesn't get mad me. If she gets mad at me, she will shut down and I can't let that happen...

Please don't get mad... (You told my teacher my problems Kyle! What the hell..) Crap... 

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