Chapter 10

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Waking up this morning was difficult. My brother was on my case the whole time, asking constantly if I was okay. Of course my brother was clueless as always. I mean he always is but still, it was annoying. I know he cares about me, i mean let's face it, that's the only reason why he is even here, for me. I looked over the homework I had to do and started on it. I wasn't gonna be able to finish it before I had to leave, so I would just do the first couple periods of my day. I don't care for math so that homework is out of the question. 

I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:00 am. Damn. I woke up early. Maybe I can finish  my homework on time. I started on the next subject, which was english. We were typing a short paper, the teacher wanted to get to know everyone's personalities better so he's making us do this. I sat my white apple laptop on my lap and opened up google docs. I decided since I knew I couldn't finish this now, that I would take my laptop with me and work on it a little before class. I looked at the time and thought that I should probably get ready, I tore my clothes off my small frame and looked at all the scars and brusises, There was a lot of them on me, but I'm used to pain so they don't bug me.. I got in the shower and washed up quickly. Stepping out, my brother was in there. "Kai! Seriously!?" I shouted. "Sorry.." He said and walked out with his axe cologne in his hands. We shared a bathroom and it sucked. 

Picking out my clothes was fairly easy. I went to my neat closet and tore it open, I grabbed a  black suicide silence hoodie and a grey tank top with my red jeans and grey converse. I brushed out my hair and put my bangs in my face, slowly making my right eye less visible. "Taylor, let's go!" Kai screamed... no breakfast.. again.. I grabbed my bag and put my laptop in it, than ran down the stairs, running towards the bus stop. It was at least nice to know that i could have one friend at school. 

As I boarded the bus, I saw Elizabeth sitting next to Traven.. of course.. I slowly sat down in the front, and dug through my bag for my phone. Pulling out my headphones next, then turning on my music. and going through my messages. "Answer me Taylor.. please, i need to know you are okay.." -From Kyle . I stared at the message and sighed, "Hey,.. I'm fine.. just a bad night.. sorry for freaking you out, I love you. " The song shadows by lindsey stirling came on my phone and I smiled. It was an amazing sound.

We got closer to the school and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Elizabeth. "what?" I asked harshly. "Just wanted to know.. why you didn't sit near your little friend on the bus a couple minutes ago.?" She had a smirk on her face and I hated it more than I hated her. "Just go away." I mumbled, turning back to my phone. "i love you too.. be safe.. "-from kyle. I smiled a tiny bit and than Elizabeth took a seat next to me. "I just leave me alone..did you not get the damn hint?" I questioned, glaring at her. "No, i didn't you mumbled. so i took a seat. " She smiled innocently. "well go away.. i don't want you near me." I growled. "Nope. " She smirked, She might die soon.

Walking into the school was annoying, Elizabeth was near me the whole entire time. "Look, just leave me the hell alone!" I shouted at her, I hated yelling and arguing but I had to in order for her to comprehend what I was saying, She smirked, knowing she won this battle against me. Which was probably the most agitating thing in the whole world. I looked over my shoulder when I reached my locker, and sighed.. well thanks to her.. i probably won't even have one friend anymore... 

I walked into my english class and went to the teacher. "Mr. Adams?" I asked. "Hey, Taylor. what can I help you with?" "Um.. Can i change seats? like can I sit in the back, near your desk please.." "Why? Is Elizabeth causing problems agian?" I nodded slightly and he sighed. "Yes, that's fine.." "Thanks." I mumbled and he nodded. I sat my stuff next to my new seat and pulled my laptop out, time to finish the last couple sentences on my paper. 

Soon the first bell rang and I had just finished. "Mr.Adams, can I email this paper to you?" "Why of course Taylor, did you just finsih it?" I nodded. "I didn't have time last night to type it so i started this morning and just finished it. " "Okay, well here." He handed me his email and I sent it to him. :"Thank you for actually doing the paper." He smiled at me, "You're welcome." I smieled small back and sat quietly in my seat while other students filed into the class room. 

Traven showed up and of course, little miss queen was wrapped up on him. "Ms. Sanders, i need to have a talk with you." Mr. Adams said to her." Her eyes snapped towards me and she had a cold glare. "I hate you." She mouthed. Traven found his seat, which happened to be right in front of me. He sat down and turned towards me. "Sorry about ths morning." He said, a sad tone in his voice. "It's okay.. i'm used to being replaced.. " I mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear, "You weren't replaced.. I promise.. She does that to gain enemy's becasue she thinks that she can be the only girl to talk or be near me. " i nodded understandingly. "Can we hang out after school? I wanna catch up with you?" I smiled and nodded. The second bell rang, signialing school started and Mr.Adams, and Elizabeth walked back in. Both going to where they were suppose to be, Her in her seat and Mr. Adams teaching.. 

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