Chapter 5

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The kids, Lydia, and Binx run down the alley with the witches in pursuit.

"Binx, come on!" Dani said.

Max kicks over some trash cans in frustration," That's really bad."

" Max, come on! Calm down," Allison told him.

"Look, I want you to take Dani back to your house and don't let her out of your sight!" Max told Allison.

"Max, I'm not leaving you," Dani told her brother.

Lydia sees the back door of the restaurant opening and says,"Hide!"

They duck for cover when a back door of a restaurant opens and one of the cooks comes out looking for a lobster.

"Okay guys, who's going for the jacuzzi," The cook said to the lobsters in the tank before he picks up one, "Yeah, Angelo, you're bad, "he goes back inside."

"Uh oh!" Binx said as he spots the sisters.

"Get down!" Max said.

They all hide out of sight as the sisters enter the alley.

"I smell..." Mary began.

"Yes?" Winnifred asked.

"Winnie, I smell..."


"I smell...scrud," Mary said causing Winifred to give her a look, "Scrud. You know, it's a bottom dweller. You cook it sometimes with a little bit of bread crumbs, little bit of margarine, or oil, olive oil's ..."

Winifred grabs her and drags her out of the alley. Sarah stays and looks around at all the boxes and stuff.

"Sarah!" Winnifred called out.

Sarah quickly follows after her sisters. As soon as they're gone the group come out of hiding. Allison uses an oven to get her balance and the oven door swings open. She looks at it and then smiles at the others.

"I have an idea," Allison said.

The Sisters walk up to the deserted High School.

"What is this place?" Sarah asked.

"It reeks of children," Mary told her sisters.

"It is a prison for children," Sarah said.

Inside the school, they walk down one of the hallways. Max is in the principal's office talking on the microphone.

Max howls in the microphone before saying, "Welcome to High School Hell. I'm your host Boris Karloff, Jr."

In the hallway, the Sisters can hear him talking over the PA system.

"It's time to meet our 3 contestants. Sarah, Mary, and Winifred Sanderson. Read any good spellbooks lately?"

The sisters spot Binx sitting in the middle of the hall.

"Get him!" Winifred shouted.

They move towards Binx, but they stop when they hear a Lydia's voice.

"Hello, sisters, welcome to the Library."

The sisters head in the direction of Lydia's voice. They pause just outside of one of the big ovens that the art students use to harden their molds. They see in the giant oven is Lydia.

Lydia turns around to face them, "Hello, sisters."

Winifred gives the signal and the sisters all rush into the oven. But when they touched Lydia, she disappeared from their grasp. Suddenly the door to the oven is slammed closed by Allison. The witches scream in frustration. Allison hits the button and turns the oven on.

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