Chapter 2

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Adrien quickly threw the engagement ring into the draw just as his bedroom door opened. Marinette came in carrying several bags followed by Nathalie.

"Adrien, your father would like to see you and Marinette when you have a moment." Nathalie nodded in acknowledgement to Nino before she quickly turned and exited. Adrien still marveled at how much his father had changed in the last few months. Once it would have been a case of him leaving whatever he was doing that instant, regardless of who or what it may have been. Now he was not only being treated more like an adult, but also more like a son rather than an employee. He looked over fondly at Marinette as she chatted with Nino. Adrien knew that she had been the reason for everything that was good in his life at this moment.

"Well my dudes, I better make a move anyway. Alya will be waiting for me to pick her up from the studio." Marinette gave Nino a hug.

"Tell Alya to give me a ring. She's been so busy at this new job at the news, we hardly have time to catch up." Nino promised before pulling Adrien into a bro hug and giving him a smile and a wink which was unseen by Marinette. Once Nino left, Marinette turned her attention back to Adrien.

"You alright Kitty?" She smiled, popping up her toes to give him a quick peck on the lips.

"Never better m'lady." He responded, picking her up and planing a much firmer kiss on her own lips amid her giggles.

"So what were you and Nino talking about?" Adrien could feel the redness starting to invade his face.

"Oh, you know, Alya's new job at the network and Nino's gig coming up. Just the usual." Adrien started rubbing the back of his neck with his hand before he realised what he was doing. Quickly dropping his hand, he gave his girlfriend a cheesy grin. Marinette quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Uh huh." She nodded. "You know you have always been a terrible liar, but it's okay, you can keep your little boy secrets." She teased tapping him on the nose with that half lidded flirty gaze. Oh Lordy this girl was going to be the death of him.

"Did you bring me that special cheese you promised, oh please pretty please." Plagg looked at Marinette wide eyed like a kitten with his paws held together.

Marinette and Tikki just shook their heads while Adrien burst out laughing. "What have you done to my kwami m'lady? This isn't the sarcastic and lazy Plagg I know."

"You just don't know how to appreciate me like she does." Plagg pouted, but began to purr as Marinette scratched him between the ears.

"Yes, I got the cheese. Oh, that reminds me, I have to let Nathalie know the catering numbers for the Shanghai opening before I forget. I'll meet you in your father's room, come on Tikki." With that Marinette disappeared out of the room.

"You better hurry up and get that ring on her finger kid." Plagg nudged at Adrien.

"Why, because she spoils you with cheese and gives you better head scratchers." Adrien teased, rolling his eyes and pretending to be offended. Plagg shook his head.

"Because she's the best thing to have ever happened to you and you know it." That he certainly did.

"You wanted to see me Father." Adrien called out as he poked his head around the door.

Gabriel stood at a long table covered in sketches and fabric samples. One half of his spacious bedroom had been converted into a home office. Over the last few months, Gabriel found he would tire more easily and so this way he could rest without having to go too far. As much as both Adrien and Nathalie had tried to get him to slow down, it was hard to take the designer far from his work and he didn't trust too many people to see the job done properly.

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