Chapter 12

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"Alya if you don't stand still, I'm not going to get this dress finished in time." Marinette muttered with pins between her teeth. She was crouching on the floor pinning the hem of Alya's Maid of Honour dress which was becoming a little difficult with Alya and Chloe taking selfies to upload on Instagram.

"Oh come on Marinette, it's not going to take you three weeks to hem a few dresses, relax and enjoy." Chloe laughed. "How about once you're done there we all go to Daddy's for lunch?"

"Oh, sounds like a plan." Alya jumped in while Marinette agreed. Standing up to get a few more pins, Marinette suddenly became off balance, crashing into her chair before falling haphazardly on her chaise.

"Whoa girl, you ok." Both Alya and Chloe rushing over to help Marinette right side up. She held her head a moment before smiling up at her friends.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Must have just got up too quickly." She shrugged. Alya thought there was a touch of a blush in Marinette's cheeks, but decided to let it slide for the moment.

"So where is Adrikins today? I thought you guys both had today off?" Marinette nodded.

"Technically, yes we do. But the photoshoot director came down with a pretty nasty case of gastro this morning, so Adrien is watching over the shoot. He should be done by lunchtime."

"Excellent." Chloe responded getting her phone out. "I'll message him to meet us at the hotel." No sooner had she picked up her phone then it began to ring in her hand.

"Ugh, what do you want?...What do you mean the power went out? Turn the damn generator on?" Marinette and Alya shared a worried look as Chloe became more annoyed on the phone. "What are you a bunch of incompetent idiots?....Well where is my father???....damn I forgot about that ...yes, yes I'll be there in 10." Chloe hung up before letting out a frustrated groan. "I'll have to cut this short girls, someone has messed around with the power supply at the hotel and the generator hasn't kicked in. Honestly, I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots at that place." Kissing both Marinette and Alya on the cheeks, Chloe promised to have the power back up and running by lunchtime.

Deciding to take a break from the sewing, Alya and Marinette took a walk through the park. The snow had come and gone early this year and with the sun shining it really was a beautiful day. In the distance they heard the school bell ring and the students spilling out for recess. Alya sat watching them, shaking her head in bemusement. "I can't believe we don't go to school there anymore. Feels like just yesterday we were all in Miss Bustier's class wondering what the world outside would be like." Playfully Alya shoulder bumped her dark haired friend. "And we all wondered if you and Sunshine would ever get together." Marinette had to giggle to herself while she opened the box of pastries they had brought with them.

"You know I often wondered if I would ever get a straight sentence out around him, let alone anything else." Of course, Marinette knew that if she had known then that Adrien was also her pun loving Kitty, she never would have had such a stuttering problem around him. She still felt so stupid at times for not seeing it earlier. " I'm still not sure I've forgiven all of you for that pool you all had on us getting together." Alya laughed out loud.

"Best fifty euros I ever earned." Marinette turned. Ack towards the school. She saw a young couple, much like her and Adrien, talking and holding hands as they walked down the stairs.

"You know I fell in love with him on those stairs right there. A simple act of kindness in those emerald eyes and I was a goner." In her mind she could picture the scene like it was movie before her eyes. When the thunder that day struck overhead, not only had she heard it, she felt it in her heart.

"What about Chat Noir? I mean Ladybug turned him down for so long." Marinette thought about it for a moment.

"You know it was never one single thing with Chat, and yet it was everything. On one side I was so focused on Adrien, I couldn't see the forest for the trees. On the other hand, I think I loved him all along, but I was afraid to. I was so scared of losing him. Both Chat and Adrien meant everything to me, it made so much more sense when I realised they were the same person. We had loved each other on both sides of the mask and didn't even know it, until that night of the storm."

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