Chapter 3

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Adrien was trying desperately to keep his nerves in check. Marinette was always very quick to pick up on his fidgeting when he got nervous, and he really didn't want her to on this occasion. Marinette's parents, Tom and Sabine, were busy making dinner in the kitchen while Adrien and Marinette played a video game in the lounge. It was a weekly tradition they had ever since they started dating. They had told her parents about the trip next week to Shanghai, and they were absolutely thrilled that Marinette's Winter Wonderland dress was going to be the showpiece. While Marinette ducked out to get some drinks, Adrien quickly sent a text to Alya.

Adrien: Hey, could you do me a huge favour. Can you call Marinette and distract her for about 20min? I need to talk to her parents alone.

Her reply came almost instantly.

Alya: Do I get deets?? *wink wink*

Adrien laughed and shook his head.

Adrien: Sure, but later. Can you help me please?

Alya: Don't worry Sunshine, I'm on it!

Marinette came back into the room carrying two glasses of ice water. "Dinner should be ready in about half an hour."

"Perfect." It was then that Marinette's phone began to ring.

"Oh hey Alya... good, how are you...what now? Um..sure, just give me a minute." She turned back towards Adrien.

"Alya needs an old file from off my computer, I won't be long." She leaned over to give him a quick kiss.

"No rush Princess, take your time." As soon as Marinette disappeared up into her room, Adrien made his way into the kitchen.

Tom and Sabine where cleaning up while the food was cooking. Adrien paused for a moment trying to steady his breathing. He had always thought that his father would have been a sticking point to any future marriage plans he may have had, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. In fact, his father seemed almost over eager. It was a nice change, for sure, but now came the hard part - Marinette's father. Adrien knew that as the gentleman he was it was only right to ask her father's permission, but for all his fun loving ways, Tom was a very large man. Even as Chat Noir, Adrien had a hard time defeating him when he was akumatized. This is his precious little girl after all. They didn't know that she was Ladybug and able to handle herself, or that her and Adrien had been crime fighting partners now for over three years now. He was going to do it though, it was now or never. Well maybe not never, that was a bit dramatic, but delays - it would cause delays and he couldn't have delays because...

"Are you alright love, do you need something?" Adrien was snapped out of his rambling thoughts by Sabine's sweet motherly concern.

"Um, no...well yes. I wanted to talk to you, both... I wanted to talk to both of you." This was going well. Adrien mentally facepalmed himself. Tom and Sabine exchanged a look and a nod at his nervousness before bringing Adrien to sit down at the kitchen table.

"Now, what's on your mind son?" Tom reached a hand across to pat the blonde boy on the shoulder. Adrien couldn't help but picture those big hands around his throat in the next few minutes. Feeling Plagg giving him a poke he took a deep breath.

"As you know, on the night of the charity auction I gave Marinette my mother's eternity bangle. I promised her forever that night, and I intend to keep that promise. I also told her that one day I would give her the ring that matched it." Tom and Sabine looked at each other before looking back at Adrien. He tried to read their expressions, but forged on. "I know that we have only been dating for a little over four months and I know it might seem kind of sudden or impulsive but..." Adrien was stealing himself for the freak out to follow. "I want to ask Marinette to marry me, and I wanted to ask for your blessing."

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