Deku x Reader "Comfort"

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((Y/n) POV)

It was Izuku and Todoroki's turn to battle at the sports festival. I knew he would use his full power, and that made me worried.
Me and Izuku have been friends since kindergarten.
I was there for him when he figured out the was quirkless. I've always been there for him, no matter how hard things got. But it really surprised me that out of nowhere a quirk just appeared during the entrance exams.
Where did it even come from? And was it even possible to be that late of a bloomer with a quirk? All of those questions circled my mind ever since that day.
But I knew that whenever he used it, the damage to his body was severe. And using it to his advantage in the sports festival was probably going to be his only option for him.
I just hoped he wouldnt get hurt too badly.

"LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" Midnight shouted, confirming it was time for them to fight.

(Deku POV)

As Midnight shouted for us to start, I expected Todoroki to shoot a blast of ice at me. And of course, that's what he did.
I held out my hand and flicked my fingers to dodge his attack. I shouted in pain, my finger was throbbing.
'It's broken, but I have to ignore the pain, this is the only way I'll be able to win. . .'

"So your willing to injure yourself to dodge my attacks. . ."

Todoroki had said while he snuck up on me, and formed another ice attack.
I immediately dodged with another flick of my fingers. The ice wall shattered to the ground.

A Few Minutes Into Fight

I saw Todoroki shaking, ice covered his right side.
'Is he reaching some kind of limit?'
I thought to myself.
Remembering what Todoroki had told me before our battel, about how he refused to use his father's left side.
It made me think. . . I'm using my full power to be the number one hero, and if Todoroki wishes to be in the same position, he's gonna have to go beyond as well.

He gave off a look of surprise and anger, and started to charge.

"Did my father get to you? Now I'm mad!"

He launched another ice attack. I quickly dodged.

"This has nothing to do with your father! I'm gonna win this, by giving it my all. But if you really wanna win, your gonna have to give it your all too! SO COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT!"
Todoroki stood there, still trembling.

"I'm going to win this. . . Without using my father's quirk!"

He needed to come to realization about how quirks work, it doesn't matter who the person got it from, it matters about the person using it.


((Y/n) POV)

The last thing I heard was Izuku yelling to Todoroki about it being his quirk, before I saw nothing but fire, smoke, and a huge wall of cement.
'Cementos must have stopped the fight.'
I thought to myself.
I grew very nervous, I didn't know what was happening.
It was too smoky to see anything, till Midnight had announced.

"Midoriya is. . . Out of bounds. . ."

I saw Izuku through the smoke, collapse on the ground, body all bruised and broken up. While Todoroki was still standing in the ring.

"TODOROKI MOVES ON!" Midnight had finished.

Time skip

I immediately ran into the room Izuku was in, tears forming in my eyes. I saw him laying on a gurnee, all scratched and bruised, his arms as purple as purple could get. I ran up to the gurnee, his eyes were still closed.

"I-izuku. . . Please wake up. . ."
My eyes stared to pour.
His eyes had struggled to open. I fought the erg to hug him, remembering how much pain he is in.

Squinting his eyes, trying to get a good look at me, he formed a small smile.

"P-please dont cry. . . I'll be fine."

"B-but. . . Look at you. Any second you look like you'll. . . b-break apart." I said in between sobs.
Before he could speak again, Recovery Girl walked in.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry but it's not time for visits right now. I have to get him ready for surgery."

I froze in place, my heart felt like it stopped.


"Yes, his injuries are too serious for me to heal on my own, and his arms and leg are in need of medical attendance."

"W-will he be ok?"

"If the surgery goes well, then yes."

'If? Does she mean. . . He might not survive?'

"Now go on, I'll tell you when the surgery is finished."

I didnt want to leave, I was always by Izuku's side.

"Dont worry (y/n), I'll be here when you come back."
Izuku said quietly.
Those words just made me sad and worried. Before I knew it, I was already out of the room, Forced to wait.

Time Skip

I dont even know how long its been. It felt like years. Until Recovery Girl opened the door and motioned me into the room.

"He's awake." She said with a smile. I immediately rushed into the room and hugged Izuku.

"Owch!" He cried in a whisper.

"Oh sorry."

Feeling bad about what I did, I back off him and blushed.

"I'm just happy your ok."

"Its ok. I'm happy that your always there for me."

He said with a mood lifting smile. Not being able to resist, I leaned my head in and kissed him gently on his soft lips.

Deku POV

'Is she kissing me?'
My face felt warm. I kissed her back, enjoying the embrace of her lips on mine. She removed her lips from mine with a blush on her face as well.

"I love you Izuku. . ."

'Omg she just said she loves me. . .!' And I couldn't help but feel the same way.

"I-I love you too (y/n). Thank you for always being there for me."

"I'm always gonna be here for you, no matter how hard things get." She gave another smile. The smile that always brightens up my day.
I didnt want her to leave.
I wanted her to stay with me.

"Hey (y/n). . ."

"Yes Izuku?"

"Can you lay next to me. . . For some comfort?" I had a small blush.

"Of course!" She replied with a closed eyed smile. She managed to make room for herself on the bed, and gently cuddled me.
After a bit of her playing with my hair, I soon fell asleep.

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