Chapter 7 - An enemy reveled

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Headquarters 1 was located deep within the volcano. Mimi struggled as the Bakemon shoved her into a jail cell. "You are going to be so sorry you messed with me when my boyfriend Izzy gets a hold of you…"The Bakemon weren't listening though and they walked away. "How much have I missed, Izzy's your boyfriend now?" Mimi turned around to see Yolei sitting in the corner of the cell and Hawkmon right beside her. "Yolei!" she squealed and ran to her for a hug. "I'm so happy your ok." "Ya I'm fine." Yolie smirked "So about Izzy."

Mimi blushed. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just I don't know. He punched Ken out for me.." "Ken!" Yolei said shocked. Mimi told her the story and how Ken had snapped up to how she got in the cell with her.

"Oh Mimi, I'm so sorry he did that. I'm sure he didn't mean it though. He's a good person really he is." Mimi smiled at her as a sign that it was ok. "I know he didn't mean it Yolei I just overreacted to the whole thing." "It sounds like Izzy did to." Yolei countered. Mimi blushed even more, "I guess he really does care about me." Yolei smiled "took you long enough to realize."

"Hey you two the dark lord wants to speak with you." One of the Bakemon shouted at them. "Well now after you spoke so rudely towards me I'm not so sure I'll agree to come with you." Mimi said confidently. Phantomon floated over to her. "You'll do what I say to do or I'll attack you." Mimi backed down. "Ok."

The Bakemon took Yolie and Mimi over to the dark lords main room. They were cuffed and chained so they would be unable to escape. "He really needs to redecorate this place." Yolie whispered in Mimi's ear. "SILIENCE" Yelled Phantomon. The Bakemon all got into two lines ready to greet the lord. Phantomon stood towards the end of the line. The doors opened. A creature was revealed he was black with red on one side and blue on the other. A cannon and a sword took the place of his hands. He walked towards Mimi and Yolie.

"I am ChaosGrimmon the dark lord of these lands. I have taken control and I will not let such insignificant children take that away from me. Now to get rid of you two." He raised his sword at them "Chaos…"

"Hyper Blaster!"

Mimi and Yolie looked over. "IZZY!" squealed Mimi. Izzy turned a deep shade of crimson red. Behind him appeared Joe, Cody, and Davis all with digimon much stronger than a ultimate. ChaosGrimmon laughed "the more to destroy the merrier." "Then you'll love us." He turned and in came Tai, Matt, Kari, T.k., Sora, and Ken. They all had mega digimon. "Wow how'd you all get so strong." Yolie asked. "SILENCE" Phantomon shouted at her raising his weapon. "X-Scissor Claw" GrandKuwagamon shouted. With that Phantomon washed up in data and disappeared. "Ken" Yolie whispered and turned around to face the boy she loved.

ChaosGrimmon grinned. "Well then this should be fun. I get to destroy you all at once. Multi Gatling." He shot at Kari. "KARI" T.k. screamed. "DRAGON FIRE." Magnadramon shouted destroying the attack coming at Kari. T.k. ran over and held her in his arms. "I won't let him hurt you Kari."

"Aww how sweet the little ones are in wuv." ChaosGrimmon laughed. Izzy and Ken took this chance to bring the digi eggs to Mimi and Yolie. They had the digimon destroy the chains. "I feel strong" Palmon declared.

Palmon warp digivolve to Rosemon

Hawkmon warp digivolve to Valkyrimon

"Oh wow" Mimi and Yolie said. ChaosGrimmon turned around not the slightest bit impressed. "Rose Rapier" "Feral Sword" The two new mega digimon shot at ChaosGrimmon but he merely blocked the attacks continuing to laugh. "Is that the best you got." "Chaos Slash" he struck Rosemon who went flying backwards. "Rosemon!" Mimi shrieked and ran over. ChaosGrimmon pushed her and due to his strength she went flying and smashed into the floor bleeding.

"YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" Izzy shouted. "Double Horn Buster" this attack had enough force to hurt the digimon somewhat but he continued to get up and fight. Izzy ran over to Mimi. "Mimi are you ok." "I'll be fine Izzy." He hugged her protectively while HerculesKabuterimon continued to fight. "Metal Wolf Claw" "Terra Force" These two attacks sent the digimon down.

"Yes we defeated him" Tai shouted with his fist in the air. As soon as he said that Chaos Grimmon got back up but different this time.

"I'm ExoGrimmon." He laughed loudly. "Once you defeat my other form I appear. Stupid Children" Sora hid behind Tai. T.k. stood with his arms out in front of Kari. Ken made Yolie sit on the ground so she wouldn't be knocked down like Mimi. And Izzy continued to hold Mimi with a glare in his eyes towards the evolved creature.

"Your down for" Matt shouted with Jun behind him cheering. "Ya go Matty!" Matt groaned but Tai laughed. "Matty's got a girlfriend." "NOT THE TIME" Joe shouted. "Water Tale Buster" Plesiomon attacked. But ExoGrimmon's armor was too strong. He has to have a week point Cody though to himself. "COME ON IMPERIALDRAMON GET HIM" "Energy Cannon" Imperialdramon shot at ExoGrimmon but once again his armor wasn't even scratched.

ExoGrimmon looked bored. "Death God" he shot at Imperialdramon after his fourth failed attempt to damage him. Suddenly something clicked in Cody's head. "His neck has no armor. Everybody attack his neck."

"Rose Rapier"

"Strike of the Seven Stars"

"Fire Tornado"

"Metal Wolf Claw"

"Terra Force"

"Crimson Flame"

"X-Scissor Claw"

"Twin Missile"

"Viking Axe"

"Water Tale Buster"

"Hyper Blaster"

"Feral Sword"

"Death God" ExoGrimmon shot back but it had no use the seven mega digimon's attacks overruled the one attack and struck him right in the neck. "UGHHH YOU WILL PAY" ExoGrimmon began to be deleted and they all smiled. Once he was gone Tai looked around. "Think it's safe to say we did it this time." "Ya" everyone shouted.

"Now do you want to get tortured or leave?" Yolie asked the Bakemon. The scrammed faster than lightening. Everyone laughed. "Well" Davis began. "Now that that's done with let's go back and enjoy the rest of our vacation." They exited the volcano and went to get some nice sun.

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