*mighty gasp* an actually recent drabble? as if i know what a drabble is??

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Rikuto: *standing in the midst of utter chaos and destruction* I can explain...but then I can't.

Kaede: Why are you like this

Pai: That is literally our entire existence in a single sentence.

Pai: That is literally our entire existence in a single sentence

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--Pai and Rikuto are undercover idiots and Xeah needs to sleep


Obaasan: *steps into the warzone that her kitchen has become*

Obaasan: Where's my spoon of mass destruction, someone needs to be taught a lesson

Rikuto: *fading into shadowy mist*

Kouta: That's not going to save you. You might think it will, but it won't.

Rikuto: But she's human.

Everyone: She's Obaasan.

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