Chapter Two ▫ All My Fault.

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Santana's POV

Just like always I tuck my emotions away and start the next day like nothing happened.

Last night I went to see Brittany like I always did and I talked like I always did. Brittany of course listened like she always did but this time it was different. By the end of the visit I could've sworn Brittany's face had changed from pale to a slight shade of pink. She almost looked like herself again and as bad as I wanted to call a nurse in I didn't.

During the first few months I called several nurses into the room more times than I can count. If I ever saw any slight movement or change in her appearance I screamed for help because I was sure one of those times she'd wake up. I hoped she would wake up. As time went on I called them less and less because she stopped changing and I was no longer sure of anything.

I'm heading to the break room when I bump into someone. I look up and let out an involuntary gasp as I realize the person I bumped into is Mrs. Fabray. It takes the older woman a second to realize it's me but once she does she pulls me into a bone crushing hug. Thankfully her arms are wrapped around mine so I have a valid reason for not hugging back. I have nothing against Mrs. Fabray it's just awkward after not speaking to her for so long.

Judy:(Steps back and looks at Santana)Santana honey it's so great to see you.

Santana:It's nice to see you too Mrs. Fabray.

Judy:(Smiles)How have you been?

Santana:Oh...I've been good. School and work keep me busy.

Judy:Of course. I'm probably keeping you from work.

Santana:I was um actually about to go on break.

Judy:Oh that's great. Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee? I would love to catch up with you.


Santana:Um yeah sure. I just need a minute to grab my jacket.

Judy:Alright. I'm gonna run my bags to the car and I'll meet you by the entrance.

Santana:Okay. (Walks away).


Santana:(Stares at her mug).

Judy:(Sips her coffee and clears her throat)I heard you got your own apartment. That must be nice.

Santana:(Looks at Judy)Yeah it's great. I figured it was just time. I needed my own space.

Judy:(Nods)I completely understand that.

Santana:(Sips her coffee).

Judy:May I ask you something that may be a bit intrusive?

Santana:(Slowly puts her mug down)Uh sure.

Judy:Well I've noticed that you don't visit the hospital during the day and I was wondering if that's because of me... or my husband or-

Santana:Mrs. Fabray.

Judy:(Looks at Santana).


Santana:I have nothing against your family. I actually care about you guys a lot. It's just hard to be around the Fabray family when this whole thing is my fault.

Judy:(Shakes her head and reaches for Santana's hands)Oh honey.

Santana:(Quickly pulls her hands away and sniffles).

Judy:(Sips her coffee)...You know when I found out how my daughter ended up in that bed I blamed myself.

Santana:(Grabs a napkin and wipes her eyes).

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