Chapter Four ▫ She's Different Now. I'm Different.

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Santana's POV

I jolt awake and begin to gasp for air. I saw her. She was there. Brittany was there I'm certain it was her. I need to get to her.

Before making any movements I allow myself to take in my surroundings. I'm in my bedroom...which means I'm in my apartment. How did I-

"Good you're awake."

Santana:(Looks up)Quinn?

Quinn:(Walks over to Santana's bed and sits down)How are you feeling?

Santana:I thought.... So you were the one at the grocery store?

Quinn:Uh yeah. Who did you think it was?

Santana:How did you get us here? How did you get into my apartment?

Quinn:Well you fainted and after I threatened to beat the shit out of your boss he gave me your stuff and helped me get you to your car. Obviously once I had your keys I had access to everything.

Santana:Including my fridge? I can smell the beer on your breath.

Quinn:(Runs her hand through her hair)This whole thing stressed me out okay? Give me a break.

Santana:(Rolls her eyes and slowly gets out of bed)What time is it?

Quinn:(Pulls out her phone)It's almost noon.

Santana:(Mumbles)A whole shift just thrown away fucking great.

Quinn:You know a "thank you Quinn" would be great.

Santana:(Glares at Quinn)I didn't need your help.

Quinn:Oh really? That's funny because when I got there some hag was ripping into you and if it wasn't for me you would've hit the floor when you passed out.

Santana:(Rolls her eyes)Why are you still here?

Quinn:(Shrugs)Free alcohol I guess.

Santana:Free? Alright listen. Thanks for everything but you can go now.

Quinn:I'm in no hurry. You should have someone here with you in case you faint again.

Santana:(Groans and walks out of the room).

Quinn:(Follows Santana).

Santana:(Looks in the refrigerator)Thanks for guzzling up my beer.

Quinn:I'll pay you back.

Santana:How? You don't have a job.

Quinn:Actually I got one yesterday. I'm gonna help run the books at my sister's shop.

Santana:You? Working at an auto shop?

Quinn:(Rolls her eyes)It's only paperwork Santana.

Santana:Fine whatever. Seriously though I'm fine now you can leave.

Quinn:Why? Do you have somewhere to go?

Santana:Yeah I do actually.

Quinn:Where are you going?

Santana:None of your business now go.

Quinn:Fine but the next time you faint I won't help you.

Santana:I'm fine with that.

Quinn:(Scuffs and walks towards the door)Always so bitchy.

Santana:Yup. (Pushes Quinn out and closes the door).

The truth is I don't have anywhere to be. After what happened at work today and another visit from the younger Fabray my mind is foggy. Now that the younger Fabray is gone I can bury myself in schoolwork and until it's time for me to see Brittany.


Laura:What's on your mind?

Santana:(Slowly walks around the room)Nothing.

Laura:(Watches Santana)Well then why did you come back?

Santana:I thought you could use some company.

Laura:(Chuckles)Wow well it's so kind of you to think of me. Thank you.

Santana:(Glances at Laura)You're welcome.

Laura:Well since you're here why don't we talk about what's been going on since we last saw each other.

Santana:(Sits on the couch)It's Lima nothing is ever going on.

Laura:Lima is quite dull at times but it has its moments. Although I didn't ask about what's been going on with Lima I asked about you Santana. How's work?

Santana:It's work. I go in from nine to five, do my job and go home. It pays the bills.

Laura:And school?

Santana:It sucks but I'm passing.


Santana:(Sighs and shrugs).

Laura:What about Brittany?

Santana:(Looks at Laura)What about her?

Laura:How is she doing?

Santana:(Clenches her jaw and folds her arms)Still in a coma. The same place she's been for the last five months.

Laura:(Slowly puts down her pen)Santana I didn't mean for my words to come off as insensitive. I apologize.


Santana:(Glances at Laura)No don't be. I can be a bigger bitch than usual when I'm stressed.

Laura:What's been stressing you out?

Santana:Brittany's sister is back in town.

Laura:I see. How did you find out she was back?

Santana:She came to see me while I was at home.

Laura:That must have been a huge shock. Having her show up to your doorstep out of nowhere.

Santana:I wasn't expecting it. I could never have prepared myself to see her after everything that happened.

Laura:Did you two talk?

Santana:(Nods)For quite some time.

Laura:Is that unusual for the two of you?

Santana:My relationship with Quinn is complicated. Brittany is the reason we can even be in the same room. We started getting closer before... things are different now. She's different now. I'm different now.

Laura:Is your different good or bad?

Santana:(Looks at Laura).

Laura:Santana it sounds like Quinn is trying to reconnect with you.

Santana:Why in god's name would she want to do that?

Laura:Well you and Brittany are very close. Maybe Quinn finds that being around you makes her feel closer to Brittany. The same way being around her makes you feel conflicted about your own emotions.

Santana:(Looks at Laura)I... I'm not...

Laura:All I'm saying is maybe talking to Quinn isn't such a bad idea. The two of you experienced something very traumatic and something that no one else can understand. I think you two could use each other right now.

I stare at the glass table in front of me. My right leg bounces lightly as my nerves start to take over and my mind begins to run a million miles a minute.

The idea of willingly sitting down and talking to Quinn made me nauseous. Not just because we have never been that close but also because of the guilt. Seeing and talking to Mrs.Fabray tore my heart in two. If I hadn't pushed Brittany away Quinn would be able to reach out to her for help. She'd probably still be in New York with Rachel.

Laura:Consider reaching out to her. You don't have to but just think about it and we'll come back to this next week. How does that sound?

Santana:Awful...but I'll consider it.

Laura:(Chuckles)Now. What should we discuss next?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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