Chapter Three ▫ Uncanny Resemblance.

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Santana's POV

Quinn Fabray stands in front of me slightly taller than she was the last time I saw her. Her hair is in a messy ponytail but I can see that it's more of a dirty blonde now and shorter. She's wearing a gray sweater and some ripped skinny jeans which is a bit strange considering she used to wear dresses like her life depended on it.

It's a bit unsettling how much the younger Fabray resembles her sister. I never saw it before or maybe I did and I didn't dwell on it but now that I'm taking in her features the resemblance is uncanny. I must have been staring for awhile because a hand starts waving in my face.

Santana:(Looks at Quinn)What?

Quinn:(Chuckles)I asked if you were going to let me in.

Santana:What are you doing here?

Quinn:I would love to answer that but I'd prefer that your nosy neighbors don't know my business.

Santana:(Stares at Quinn).

Quinn:Come on Lopez.


I step to the side and let Quinn slip into my apartment. As I close the door I watch her move further inside as she examines the place. I feel slightly self conscious as the blondes eyes linger on certain objects. Her gaze finds my wine and snack wrappers then she turns to me.

Quinn:I prefer beer and chips.

Santana:(Starts to pick up her trash)I didn't ask you what you preferred. I asked why you were here.

Quinn:(Smiles and shakes her head)Still as feisty as always.

Santana:(Rolls her eyes and throws her trash away).

Quinn:(Sighs)Come on Santana I know your fridge is stocked up with booze.

Santana:(Looks at Quinn).

Quinn:One beer and some chips then I'll explain.


Santana:(Goes to her refrigerator and grabs two beer bottles)You get one beer and if I don't ask you to leave after you tell me why you're here then I might feed you.

Quinn:(Smiles)Fair enough.

Santana:(Hands Quinn a beer then walks into the living room).



I didn't kick Quinn out. One beer turned into two then two turned into four and one bag of chips turned into us sharing a pizza from my freezer. After a few minutes I didn't even mind having Quinn in my apartment it was...a welcomed change.

Quinn kept trying to stall the conversation but eventually she started talking. She's moving back in with her parents until she finds a job and her own place. Her and Rachel broke up a month or two ago due to constant fighting. Rachel was focused on her Broadway 'career' while Quinn was struggling with school and being away from her family. The younger Fabray ended things and tried to survive without help from her parents but she eventually dropped out and came back here when she couldn't afford motels anymore.

It surprises me how much Quinn is opening up while talking to me. I've been just as open with her and it's almost like there was never any bad energy between us. This is the most we've talked in all the time that we've known each other and if it weren't for the alcohol I'm not sure this would be happening.

Quinn:(Sips her beer)I didn't think it would happen. Rachel had everything planned out for us. We were supposed to travel and get an apartment together.

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