Chapter 1

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Roaming the hallways she knew so well, Uraraka felt just like home. Just like every September 1 since she was eleven years old, she walked proudly to her dorm wearing her Gryffindor uniform followed by her friends Deku and Iida. The three of them had spent a lot of time together this summer before returning to Hogwarts for their final year. It was nice to hang out outside school without having to worry constantly about midterms, homework and exams all the time. She spent a lot of time in Diagon Alley shopping, hanging out at the beach and watching Quidditch games with her two Quidditch players.

However, Deku and Iida did spend a lot of time their separate ways to focus on their career. Deku was working really hard to become a professional Seeker for the National Team while Iida was working extra hours at his internship at the Ministry. Seeing them work so hard, she could clearly see that they would achieve whatever goal they had in mind.

Uraraka, her, tried to spend more time with her parents and extended family when she wasn't hanging out with them. Things weren't going greet with the family's business so she helped as much as she could. Her parents were still amazed and sometimes frightened whenever she used magic around the house, so she tried to use her magic as little as possible. She had gotten a job at Madam Malkin's clothing shop in Diagon Alley and worked part-time at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. Madam Malkin was an adorable old and sweet lady that always closed the shop early every Friday so that Ochako could go hang out with her friends before going to work at her second job. Uraraka couldn't say no to her when Madam Malkin asked if she wanted to continue working for her during school on the weekends. The old lady was too sweet.

Uraraka did make a lot of money during the summer but she was back at school. And it felt good.

'Earth to Uraraka, are you there?' she heard Deku says waving a hand in front of her eyes. She snapped back to reality to look at him and he chuckled. 'There you are. We thought we lost you.'

'What?' she asked innocently and the two laughed.

'We were talked to you and you weren't responding.' replied Iida and Uraraka blushed.

'We were talking about meeting later after the Sorting Ceremony. Are you in?' asked Deku with a sweet tone. 'Iida wanted to start next week's homework at the library but I said we could hang out in Diagon Alley with a couple friends.' he continued, and Iida huffed.

'I don't think laying around to waste time is very productive.' cut Iida and Uraraka laughed.

'Sorry Iida, but not everyone is very excited to do homework as you. I'd like to go to Diagon Alley.' continued Uraraka looking at Deku. Her friend smiled.

'Fine. I'll ask Yaoyorozu.' he replied and Uraraka chuckled again. Obviously, Momo would be thrilled to start her homework in advance.

The three walked and talked before Uraraka bumped violently into someone. She stumbled forwards and almost fell before Deku grabbed her arm and helped her stand up. She looked up to apologize but her eyes landed into his. Red piercing eyes that could kill. Her throat went dry and her fingers went numb. Of course, it had to be him. She followed his eyes as he looked at her from her skirt to the top of her head before landing on Deku's grip on her arm. She moved his arm quickly and his eyes moved back to hers. What was he doing?

'Watch where you're going, freak.' he said before turning his heels and stomping away. Uraraka was agape.

'It seems that Bakugou still hasn't learned proper manners.' commented Iida and Uraraka felt her blood pump in her veins back again. 'I thought he would've learned sooner with his pure-blood status.'


Uraraka still looked at his back walk away from her. He hadn't changed. Not one bit. She didn't know why she was so surprised. It was Bakugou after all. But she thought maybe he would have acted differently. Or looked at her differently. After what happened during the summer.

'Are you sure you're okay?' asked Deku and Uraraka snapped back to reality. 'He hit you pretty hard.'

She looked at Deku and then back at Iida and nodded.

'I'm fine, don't worry about me.'



After chatting for a bit, Iida decided it was a good time to join back his Ravenclaw peers so Deku and her walked up the Gryffindor tower back to the dorm. As soon as she stepped through the door, she was welcomed with a big hug from Mina. She was out of the country during the summer break, so it was nice to see her back.

'God, I missed you so much!' screamed Mina and Uraraka's smile couldn't get bigger. 'I was going to go crazy without you! I was getting really tired of my aunt Colette telling me I need a husband soon.' she chuckled on her last words. 'That bitch got married four times so I'm not getting married before I'm thirty!' she exclaimed, and Kendo laughed.

Uraraka laughed with her but her eyes sidetracked to Kirishima in the corner of the room playing chess with Tetsutetsu. His eyes lingered on Mina's back before looking away. We'll see about that Mina...

'What about you? What did you do this summer? Any summer flings?' asked Mina far too excited.

Uraraka stayed quiet and smiled nervously. If only she knew...

'Ah. Not a lot. I worked and hung out with Deku and Iida.' she replied looking down.

Her life wasn't extraordinary. She didn't have rich pure-blood parents that owned a vineyard in France like Mina and her father wasn't Minister of Magic like Iida. Her father owned a muggle construction company and her mother was a baker for a small bakery in London. The only friend she had that was normal like her was Deku. But even Deku was becoming a celebrity with his Quidditch career on the rise.

'Well next summer, I'll drag you to France with me. I have a cousin that you might like.' she said with a wink and Uraraka blushed slightly.

'We'll see about that.' Uraraka replied and the conversation ended there.

Thank god...

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