Chapter 2

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Uploading ahead of schedule because I want you guys to read this new chapter as soon as possible Also I'm planning to upload a new chapter every Saturday if my schedule will allow me. I will tell you guys if I can't post on time. Anyways enjoy!

Also don't forget to vote! It really helps my stories to get seen my more people so more people can enjoy them as well :)

After the Sorting Hat Ceremony, students were allowed to enjoy themselves until curfew. Uraraka decided to join Mina, Ojiro, a fellow Hufflepuff, Deku and Kirishima to a nice walk in Diagon Alley.

The streets weren't as crowded since it was a weekday, but a lot of students had decided to hang out before their first day of school. Mina and Uraraka went shopping at Twilfitt and Tatting's and Madam Malkin's, and stopped at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour for some ice cream. Madam Malkin greeted Uraraka and Mina with a bright smile. Uraraka and she talked for a bit before leaving them alone to browse. After looking around and finding nothing, Uraraka went back to Madam Malkin to talk a bit. The older woman was always smiling and always talked with a sweet and calming tone.

'Finding anything you like?' she asked Uraraka and Uraraka shook her head. 'You should try this. It arrived this morning and I thought it would look perfect on you' said Madam Malkin showing Uraraka a flowy pink dress with short sleeves and form-fitting around the waist.

The dress was very pretty.

'I don't know. I'm not really looking for a dress at the moment.' she replied trying to give the dress back to Madam Malkin before Mina's head seemingly popped out of nowhere.

'Ooh yes! Try it on!' forced Mina and Uraraka couldn't say no anymore.

She went in the changing room and changed as quickly as she could. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. The dress was indeed very pretty. The dress stopped right over her knees and seemed to hug her hips and curves all in the right place. She looked at the price tag and felt the air in her lung evaporate.

She could definitely not afford that.

'Let us know how it looks!' said Mina on the other side of the door like she could read her mind.

'I'm coming. But I'm not buying it...'

When she opened the door of the changing room, she immediately noticed Mina and Madam Malkin's face stuck to the door. Uraraka couldn't have some privacy anymore.

'Oh my god, Chak! You look so beautiful!' screamed Mina like she had just witnessed the birth of god. 'You have to get it!'

'I don't know, it's really expensive...'

'Well, consider it a gift for all your good work this summer.' smiled Madam Malkin and Uraraka's jaw almost hit the floor.

'Oh no no no no... This is too much I can't accept this! I'll go take it off...'

'Nonsense, I insist, darling. Please take it. You look beautiful in it.' replied Madam Malkin and Uraraka didn't know what to do or say.

With Mina nagging her to take it, Uraraka gave in. She went back in the changing room to change and when she got out, Mina was already ready to leave.

'Can I at least give you a little sum? I feel really bad for leaving without even paying a sickle for that dress.'

'Don't worry about it, dear. You paid me with your time and the hours you spent with me in this shop.' smiled the old woman before giving Uraraka her bag.

Uraraka thanked Madam Malkin one last time before she left with Mina. Before she stepped out of the shop, Madam Malkin asked Uraraka if she was still going to work this weekend. When Uraraka insisted that she was indeed going to be there, the two girls walked back into the streets of Diagon Alley. Mina turned to Uraraka with question marks in her eyes.

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