Chapter 05

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Mina's POV

"Do you want a kid?" She said that make me choke on nothing.

I look at her with my widened eyes


"Hey, don't need to be shock. I'm just asking you." She said between her laugh

"No, i think it's too early for us. You can't even hook your own bra and you're asking me that." I said jokingly

She pouts and I peck her lips

'argh! Control your hormones Mina.'
I scold myself in my mind.

"Just enjoy your life Chae. It's too early for us, we will come to that." I said with smile

"It's just I'm not ready to be a mom neither you. You're still a baby and you're always be my baby." I added and hug her tightly but not too tight. It's a kind of hug that'll make you feel safe.

I want her to feel that she's loved and she's special.

She buried her head on my chest hearing my heartbeat. While i'm caressing her soft black hair.



(2:00 am)
No One's POV

Mina and Chaeyoung are already sleeping in their room while cuddling.

Chaeyoung woke up, feeling hungry.

They already ate their dinner but Chaeyoung is feeling hungry again she don't know why.

She stand up slowly afraid of waking up her wife.

She went into the kitchen and open the fridge. She took the pancake batter and fresh milk. She make pancakes and will eat them together with the fresh milk. After she eat, she wash the dishes and went to their room.

She kneel down on the bed as she slowly lay down afraid the idea of her wife waking up. She closed her eyes and she fell back into her sleep. Cuddling the other girl tightly.

(7:00 am)
Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up from the loud sound coming outside. It's raining.

I saw a letter sticked on the desk next to the bed. A smile crept on my lips as a read the letter.


Good morning baby~

How's your day? I woke up first. I didn't wake you up i don't want to disturb your deep sleep.

There's a food in the refrigerator, it's your favorite food:>

Btw, we're going to father's house next week.
They said they want to spend there time with us since it's a long time the last we meet them.

Take care, I love you.

-your wife Mina


After i read the letter, i walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I dried my hair and start changing my clothes.

I walk downstairs and open the refrigerator.
My eyes sparkled as i saw my favorite food.

'She's indeed a wife material. '

It's Chicken Adobo

It's a Filipino recipe she learned from a cook book

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It's a Filipino recipe she learned from a cook book. She did great!

I smell the aroma from the food.

"Hmm... smells tasty. "

I put it in the microwave and sat on the sofa while waiting.

"You gotta know that you're one in a million~"

I heard my phone ringing from somewhere.

started finding my phone while following the sound. And finally! I saw it on the bookshelf near the lampshade when exactly the phone ring ends.

I read whose the caller and it's Mina.

The phone ring ends so i decided to just call her...

"You gotta kno-"

"Hello babe?"

📱Why you didn't answer it right away?

"Sorry, i forgot where my phone is."

📱Hm, i'm going home late we have a lot of appointments and meetings to do.

"M'kay i'm going to cook our dinner."

📱Woah is that you Chaeng?

I chuckled at her joke "of course."

📱Gonna hang up now we're going to start

"Hm, take care I love you~"

She laugh on the other side

📱I love you too~ get ready when i turn back home~

*Toot Toot*

I can only shake my head when she end the call. And why would i get ready? Aish... Nevermind.

I walk downstairs while holding my phone. I put my phone on the desk, the desk is infront of the sofa.

I take out the food out of the microwave and put it in a bowl. I always have rice when eating breakfast that's why Mina's mad at me, she don't want me to become fat and unhealthy. So i ate brown rice to lessen the carbohydrates, i can't eat without rice.

Rice is lifeu

After i ate my breakfast i wash the dishes and watched some k-pop videos in YouTube.

There's a advertisement about an app where you can read and make stories. It's called Wattpad. I'm interested so i download the app.

Before you can use the app. You need to create your account first, so i create one and my username is Chaeng-chaeng.

I found a story and read it. It's all about Vampires and everything.

-Fast Forward-
(1:00 pm)

I already finished eating my lunch and I'm watching TV while sitting on the sofa. I have nothing to do. I stopped reading Wattpad too because there was a scenario that was lewd so...

I lay down on the sofa and doze off to sleep.

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