we meet

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A/N ok hi this is my first story and its probably not that good. This is just the first chapter for this story which introduces tae and kookie. This chapter might be boring but.... just keep reading

Taehyung POV

Its was just another boring day at school, when I say a crowd against the lockers. I went to go see what the commotion was about. The biggest fuckboy of our school was bullying I think a new kid. He gave him one last kick before he left, and the crowd started to disappear.

I went into the center of the remaing circle of gossiping girls. There I saw a tiny boy curled up into a ball. I crouched down to his level and said "let's get you to the nurse", as I gave him my boxy smile.

He looked up at me, right then it felt like my heart skipped a beat. This tiny boy had midnight black hair with bangs almost covering his eyes which were red and puffy.

I stood up and reached out my hand for him to take. He gladly accepted after sniffling a few time. I dropped him off at the nurses office and went on my way to my music class. I looked at my watch and realised I was already 15 minutes late. I started running as if my entire existence depended on it.

When I saw my class I burst through the door while me class started whispering and my teacher gave me a death glare. Before the teacher could say anything, the tiny boy from earlier came in and answered the question for "he took me to the nurses office sir", he said as he handed the teacher a slip of paper. The teacher inspected the paper and nodded signing that we both could enter.

There were only three seats at the back one next to kai, the one who made us come late in the first place, and two next to each other. We both sat next to each other when the teacher cleared his throat and said "as I was saying before I was so very rudely interrupted" he looked at me while I just smile and scratched my nape " we will have a group project, since I have already assigned the partners in the beginning of class. Since you and mr. Jeon were the last ones here you both will be partners. Understa-". just then the bell rang

After class me and my partner decided to meet up at the local café and discuss the project.


I was getting ready to go to the café and meet up when my phone buzzed.

Unkown : hey! It's me taehyung. Turns out the café is closed can you send me your address.


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