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I just came back to the dorm and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket

It was my mafia gang leader. So I picked up

"DID YOU GET THE MONEY JEON?" Geez I just came back and he's already screaming at me. I looked around to see where I kept the money but I couldnt find it. "Oh shit" I whispered under my breath I cut the call and made a run for the warehouse.

It felt like someone was following me but I didnt care. Right now all that mattered was the money without the money i would get kicked out of the mafia, and I cant afford getting kicked out at the moment.

When I saw the warehouse at sight I made a sharp left to enter from the back. As I went into the warehouse and as I was about to close the door, I felt a weight on my back. I heard a voice say
"You're under arrest, drop your weapons", I was about to make a run for it when I felt cold handcuffs latching onto my wrist "finally you were wanted for so long, and now I can finally get my promotion take that billy" the same voice told me.

I looked back to see a man with soft pale skin, with a bandana on his forehead he looked way to young to be a cop, but he was really good looking.

Tae's POV

I looked at the theif clearly for the very first time, he looked really familiar. He had rosy cheeks, bunny teeth and lon- wait..... bunny teeth?


"What" he asked quite annoyed
"Wait a second..... how do you know my name?" He asked me confused

"You dont remember me what happened to you?"

"I dont know you. You must have mistaken me for someone else. Now get us outtakes here."

I nodded and went to open the door but the door wouldn't budge

I slowly turned back and my eyes met with his "the doors locked..."

"What do you mean locked?..."

"Locked: enclosed or shut in by locking it fastening a door."

"I know that moron I meant WHY is it locked?"

"How in the love of god would i know?"

"You're the cop cant you like break it down or something "

"That's the FBI dumbass"
"Plus you're the criminal cant you like lockpick this door open?"

"I would but I can't"

He pushed his cuffed hands against me "right"

"Plus I dont have my lockpicking stuff"

"Well guess we're staying the night"
"You gonna sleep?"

"Nah I'm good"

"Oh well imma sleep conveniently there's a mattress right the-"


"Uhh yea there are like six more... why?"

"Oh my God you really are a knucklehead. We could stack the mattresses up and you can give me a boost maybe that'll be enough for me to reach the table conveniently placed under the window so I can climb out and I can open the door to get u outta here."

"That's a good idea... but how can I trust you?"

"Of course how about we make a deal if I don't come and get you you can arrest me and get that promotion, but if I come and get you, you have to let me free. Deal?"

".....fine... deal."


I take the handcuffs off of him as we start stacking the mattresses. Sure it was hard at first cus we bithe wer taking a mattress each but later we helped each other so it was easier. After I think about 5 minutes we stacked the mattresses turns out I was the one who had to boost him up cus I was the cop.

I boosted him up and he was so close to reaching the table but he grabbed the one under it so he climbed his way up to the window.

I turned for one second when I turned back I got startled cause he was right in front of me.

"Bro you almost gave me a fucking heart attack. Anyway any luck with the window?"

All he did was shake his head.

"Well I guess we have to stay the night."

Ha I left you on a cliff I bet you guys hate me now... well my best friend definitely hates me anywho she helped me write a part of this chap and a part of the next chap so get ready for that its gonna be adorable.
K. I dont know what else to do so bai

Hot Manacle II taekook [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now