???-Do I know you?

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Before I start I wanna say thank you sooooooooo much for 80,000!! I swear to god I'm crying so much rn! I couldn't achieve it without you YES YOUUUUU READING THIS! I love you all! Me hitting 1k seemed like it was yesterday. My Family and friends are so proud of me! My haters really thought I couldn't get this far well boohoo to them because this b**** is thrivingggg! #ROADTO100K #YOUGUYSARETHEBEST #THEPEOPLETHATREADMYBOOKSARESMEXYPPL

MUAH MUAH! Hugs to everyone... let me just shutup and allow you to start the chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

(2 part 80k special)

Your POV:

Clear, glossy and smooth skin was what he had.

He was not Korean they said.

What an eloquent speech.

He stood there as still as a mannequin.

Not a wrinkle in his suit.

I didn't know his name.

Nobody knew his name.

An Unknown person was what he was.

Everyone called him Bullet.

Body shaped like a bullet? Head shaped like a bullet? He owned bullets?

It's all a mystery.

I looked at him only to see his relaxed self lock eyes with me.

He giggled and walked off the stand to greet some important guests.


"BULLET" a red hair guy called out to catch Bullet's attention.

"Taeyong!" Bullet smiled as he greeted the boy supposedly called Taeyong.

Y/N didn't really know Bullet she just attended his speeches with her Dad since her Dad owns the company that he holds these speeches at. This time his speech was about how people are degrading women in this Society and how it should be stopped. Y/N looked up to him more than her own Dad. He was more Respectful, Optimistic and Powerful unlike her Dad which was Controlling, Cranky and only Fixated on irrelevant things such as building more buildings. She used to be forced to come to these speeches because she needed to 'absorb some new information and stop wasting her money and time on Kids at Homeless Shelters. She doesn't mind now since Bullet gives good speeches that are needed. She thinks she's developed a crush on him.

Your POV:

"Papa! Can I please use some money to ride the bus?" I asked politely while he was around his work friends.

"Use our personal chauffeur darling" He answered with a smile taped onto his face. He was being Mr Nice only because his friends where there.

I went outside and search for the licence plate that ended with SGO (That's the ending of my dad's licence plate haha) I found it and skipped straight to it. Samuel (yes Kim Samuel), my family's chauffeur, rolled down his window.

"Only you Miss Kang?" He questioned me.

"It's Y/N" I corrected Samuel.

"Oh sorry Miss Y/N I'm not wearing my glasses" Samuel apologised as he put them on.

"Uh uh I think I should tell my dad" I threatened him

He pleaded nonstop

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He pleaded nonstop.

"I was joking chill?" I chuckled.


-Time skip brought to you by this pic of Jaehyun in MY BLOODY COUNTRY-

-Time skip brought to you by this pic of Jaehyun in MY BLOODY COUNTRY-

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You hopped out of the car and waved bye to Samuel.

"Hey Y/N! How are you?" a familiar voice called you from behind. You ignored the voice and went into the café. You then suddenly felt a tug at your wrist and your eyes darted to the side only to see The one and only mystery man himself...


"How do you know my name?" You looked at him unsure and freaked out.

" You don't remember me from SUMMER 2018?" He wiped his non existent tear and laughed. 

" Other than seeing you do those speeches... no sorry" You said truthfully.

"Ahh okay" He left your side in defeat.

( You guys still wondering who Bullet is)


You looked over to see Bullet's phone drop. You then picked it up and ran after him.

"Bullet!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you ran after him but before you could get to him he got into his car and drove away.

"SHIT!" you yelled at yourself. I don't want hold his phone what if his phone listens to me... Well who am I kidding all phones listen to you :/

You removed phone case because why not? only to find a note with what.... his real name????


Part 2 coming soon if you guys want it?

I'm sorry if this is bad forgive me. I'm not motivated these days. I have a Johnny Imagine on the pause. I also have a Dreamie book coming out in December.




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