Johnny- The Big Day

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^Your POV^

You allow the make up artist to adjust the last touches.

<After five Minutes>

The make up artist nodded.
You finally stood up and your bestie looked up at your from her phone.
"Woah! You look Beautiful!" Your bff said with joy!
"Wow, Johnny hyung is so lucky to have such a gorgeous wife" The Dreamies said as you twirled around in amazing wedding dress.
"I'm about to cry stop and where's Haechan?" You suddenly questioned them.
"Haechan is with Johnny! Well you know how annoying he is and he will keep Johnny distracted until the wedding don't worry!" Mark said as he smiled his trustworthy smile at you!

<The Wedding>
Kun starts to play the wedding song that everyone loves and knows on the Huge piano. Your Father takes you down the aisle and helps you stand on the platform.
Your father looks at you and starts to cry!
"My daughter look so ...*starts to cry*"
Your father says as he stops midway through his sentence and starts to cry.
You rub his back.
"Hey! You better take care of my daughter, she can be a little hard sometimes but I'm sure she will still love you because you are a good man" Your father says as he gives Johnny a pat on the back and a reassuring smile.
Jaehyun gets out of his seat only to give your father a tissue and to escort him back into his seat.

You put your hand into Johnny's hands.
"Your Father is right I have no words for how you look either" He says while he kissing your hand.
Kun stops playing the piano and everyone is quiet.
The priest stands on the platform as well as you and Johnny.
He starts to read additional stuff until the part everyone is waiting for comes.
"Will you Johnny Seo take Y/N S/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked. He smirks at you then says...

"I do".
"Will you Y/N S/N take Johnny Seo to be your lawfully wedded Husband?" The priest asked again.
"I do" You say as you move closer to him. You step up on your tiptoes.
"You May kiss the bride!" The priest said with a smile on his face.
Johnny grabbed you by your waist and twirled you up in the air while he kissed you passionately.
All of Dreamies eyes were covered by your bff and Doyoung.
His lips have always tasted sweet but not as sweet as today. You guys broke away from the kiss. Looking into each other's eye. Johnny looks around until his eyes are glued on someone...


Ten smiles and shoots a wink at him. You get super jealous then shoot him the death glare then kiss Johnny again. Little did you know this was all part of the plan. While you were still kissing Johnny he looked at Ten and gave him a thumbs up.
"Jisung! Sit down you are too young to see kissing! Okay?" Your bff said to Jisung while she made Jisung sit back down. Jisung kept nagging her.
<Your BFF's POV>
"You really wanna see how kissing looks like then watch and learn Dreamies" Doyoung says as he pulls you into a soft and slow kiss.
"Doyoung I- I" You said while stuttering.
"Dreamies this is how you confess" Doyoung said as he faced you.
"Y/N (your bff's name) I've liked you for a long time since Johnny introduced me to his girlfriend and his girlfriend's best friend, my eyes are always on you, I've been dropping hints but I guess you haven't found out. Y/N (your bff's name) I like you actually I love you will you be my girlfriend?" He asks while looking down at his feet. Doyoung has never ever been shy before. You've also loved him since you've first met him.
"Doyoung I would love to be your girlfriend" you said as you pecked him on the lips.
"That's how you get an amazing girlfriend Dreamies!" Doyoung says as he leaves the Dreamies with their mouths wide open and shocked. He grabs your hand and dances with you on the dance floor.

*Your POV*

Johnny stands on the DJ platform and kisses you Goodbye. He starts to put on some good beats while he mixes it with your favourite songs while you dance your heart out. He starts to crack up. You even do the choreo to your Husband's songs. Your up-do starts to fall down to your shoulders due to you dancing to much.

•Two hours Later•

The party ended. Everyone went home you guys did too. Some freaky things happened at your hotel that night. 😏😏😏
Let's just say your lips weren't the only thing he was kissing.

I love the pic at top 😍
Thank you for reading this!
@JohnnyyySeo her insta name, thank you for giving me inspiration! I'm a really big fan of your posts! I hope you keep shining!
Keep voting and requesting
I'm going to post the Nct Dream Texting Special Chapter tomorrow instead because I'm busy today!
Love you all

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