1. Piercing eyes

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One day, everythig is sunny, the other, everything is dark. That is life i guess. Harry was lost in his thoughts early in the morning when the sun was rising over Hogwarts. His friends were still sleeping with no worries. Harry started his second year in this school and he was happy to have such a good friends around. At his uncle and aunt he had hell and here it was almost heaven for him. 

I got up from my bed and put my uniform on, brushed my teeth then went on a breakfast with Ron and Hermione. It was so much food on the table as usual, so i could eat a lot and preapare myself for a long day. We had so many classes today and i knew there was one class i didn't like it so much (potions class). Well i hated it but also liked it at once. I didn't know how this makes sense, but my whole life didn't make sense at all. I went upstairs for my first class with Ron. He asked me if i had a good rest, he was such a good friend, always worrying about me. I told him that i had and we headed inside the classroom. After five classes we had one last class to take. Yes, here he was, professor Snape. I knew there was only hate all around him for me. He didn't like me at all, he always tried to make my day miserable. But deep down i wanted to prove him, that i am not as bad as he thinks of me. I just didn't know how to prove him that. I tried to do my best at his classes but i still couldn't reach his gentle side (if he had one). 

His eyes, like dark night, has been always watching me, like i did to him something bad in the past. I always tried to be nice to him, because that is who i was. Today at class he asked me 3 questions and i could not answer them. He said to me i will have detention tonight at 7pm. I was doomed, so doomed. When we finished the class i was the last one that wanted to go out of the class. I hoped i could talk to professor and covince him not to give me detention. When all the other students were outside i waited a little and then stepped to professor's table where he was sitting. I said to him with shaking voice: professor Snape can i t-taalk to you forr a minutee? 

At that moment i knew this was not a good idea. Professor sudennly looked up at me and his piercing eyes cutted right trough me. He asked: what do you want Potter ? Well, i wanted to talk about my detention, if you could forgive me for today, i really didn't mean something bad. 

Snape rised one eyebrow and looked at me in very weird way. He stood up and leaned really close to me. I could hear his breath and suddenly i blushed, i became nervous. He told me: Potter, i don't change my mind, be here at 7pm, and don't question my decisions ever again. Have i made myself clear enough? I knew i don't stand a chance against him, so i just said: yes professor i will come. He just smirked a little and had a sit back down at his chair. I was patrified so i just stood there for about few seconds more. Then he looked at me again and asked me: is there something else you need Potter? I suddenly realized i didn't move and i should turn around and go out of this class. With sad look in my eyes i just said: no professor, i am sorry for taking your time, now i will go. 

He just looked down and didn't say a word more. I stepped outside and took a deep breath. My mind was going crazy all of a sudden, i had to quickly run to have dinner and then take a shower and go to my detention with Snape. When i reached the great hall Ron and Hermione were allready there and asked me where i was. I said i talked with Snape about my detention. Ron said: i guess he didn't change his mind, right ? "Yes" i said to him, he didn't. Well don't you worry Harry, the detention sure won't be long said Hermione. I ate my dinner, then went to have a shower and changed in my fresh clothes. Suddenly my heart started to beat faster, i wondered why, my body was acting strange since this afternoon. I knew that in 10 minutes i have my detention with Snape, so i quickly went outside and i was in 5 minutes at doors that lead to his chambers. 

I decided to knock a few times at his door. With just about seconds the door opened and i stepped inside. It was dark, a few candles were lit, then the door suddenly closed and locked themselves. I started to panick if i reached the right room. Then i heard a familiar voice: Potter sit down please. It was Snape right in front of me. There was a sofa, so i took a seat. "So what will i be doing tonight professor" i aksed him. "Oh Potter" he said, "you will suffer tonigh. 

With that said i began to feel so nervous. I wanted to run away, but i knew i don't stand a chance. It was too late for me. We will see what night will bring....

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