CreepyPasat/Marbel Hornets Self Info ReDone

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Full Name: Siren Ardamis DarkOcean

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Full Name: Siren Ardamis DarkOcean

CP Name: Siren DarkOcean

Father: Slender Man

Mother: Killer

Species: Multibreed of Demon, Angel, Werewolf, Mermaid, Witch, Shapeshifter, Elemental Master, Nightmaren etc.

Powers: Elements, Telekinesis, Flight with and without wings, Werewolf form, Mermaid Powers, Witchcraft, Nightmaren Abilities like Reala's,  Shapeshifting, etc.

Tattoos: AutoBot and Proxy Mark under collar bones, hero factory symbol on back of right hand, Iydea including Love on back of left hand, plumbob on Right middle finger

Hybrid Parts: Demon Tail, Demon Horns, White Angel Wings

Killing Frase: "You wanted a show?"

Weapons: Powers and Manifestable Weapons of choice

Preferred Foods: Blood and Human Hearts

Yea I wanted to redo my CP self since my Subliminals XD

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