Chapter One

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I'd like to give a huge thank-You to Merb! (Meribelle [Sorry if that's wrong]) She helped me write some of this chapter. Also, sorry that her name spelling keeps changing. I'll figure it out eventually, promise.

Anyways, enjoy!

-stalker's P.O.V- (Third Person)

Sleeping peacefully, Jenna had no clue what would happen on the trip she had been planning for months. She wanted to go on a trip with a small friend group since she was in middle school. They were all around the age of twenty by this time. She woke up by the sound of her alarm blaring. She sleepily turned it off and sat up, rubbing her eyes. Then she remembered. Today's the day we leave to California, She thought excitedly. I should call the others. She had made a group chat consisting of Merribelle, Jack, Declan, and herself so they could be prepared. She walked down the stairs of her duplex, gripping the railing so she didn't fall. She picked up her phone and dialed the chat. "Hello?" She prompted as someone picked up. "Hi." This voice belonged to Maibelle. "I only want to explain this once, so I'll wait until everyone picks up."

"Okay." A few minutes later everyone picked up. "JENNA IT'S NINE A.M WHAT COU- oh, sorry. I remember now." Jenna snickered as Declan yelled at her, then cut himself off by a correction. "We should all meet at my house by about Nine thirty, That gives you half an hour. Our flight is at One, so that gives us a fair amount of time to get ready and to the airport," Said jenna, Getting straight to the point.

"Ok," said Jack. One by one, they all hung up. Jenna quickly got dressed and brushed her hair. She looked at her clock. '9:15,' it read. Jenna went back downstairs and threw a pan on the stove. She buttered the inside and turned on the stove to high heat. Then, she opened the door of her fridge and took her egg carton out, and carefully cracked two eggs into the pan. She heard a knock on her connecting door, and there stood maribelle. They shared a duplex. She carried a small, green suitcase. "Have you had breakfast?" asked Jenna.

"Mhm!" Maribelle hummed.

Jenna took the eggs off the pan and put them onto a plate.


Jack's P.O.V.

I open the door to say good morning to the rat that lives next to me. I bust down the door, and run over to his room. I slam open the door.

"Wake up, you piece of crap!" I yell.

"Mmmm," he says stupidly.

I dragged him out of bed. He had evidently gotten up, then went back to bed.

"Why are you wearing a suit...?" He asked.

"I'm not."

In fact, I wasn't wearing a suit. I was wearing a black sweater. Declan was just too dumb to notice. Dumb or not, I thought. He'll be great in Disneyland. I smirked to myself.

"Whaaat?" He said slightly playfully.


He had sat down on his bed again, and I took his hand and forcefully pulled him to his feet. I guess I pulled a bit too hard, because we ended up accidentally embracing. We pulled apart immediately, but I felt my face growing slightly red. I turned on my heel, grabbed my wallet from my room and gave him the money for the door.

"Thanks," he said.

"No problem."

We grabbed our stuff and began walking to Jenna's house. I couldn't help but notice that our hands were brushing, and I didn't know if it was intentional on Declan's part. We turned down the street and there stood Jenna and Maribel's duplex. Declan ran up and rang the doorbell. There were footsteps, then Jenna answered the door.

"Hello children," she said.

"For the last time, I'm older than you!"

I subconsciously smiled at Declan's comeback.

"Shall we go?" Asked Meribel.

"Good plan," said Declan, as he reached towards my hand and stroked my palm with his thumb. I gave him a look. He didn't seem to notice. The rest of the group obviously didn't realize how red my face was at this point, because Jenna definitely would have said something, I know her. Meribel Lead the way to the subway station, and we waited until our train pulled up. We all got on, and I couldn't ignore how close Declan seemed to be getting to me. I decided in the end that it wouldn't affect me long-term.


Declan's P.O.V.

We boarded the subway, and I sat next to Jack without thinking. I tried to catch his slightly teal eyes, but he seemed to be lost in thought. I sighed in defeat. He moved his hand to support himself better, and it ended up on mine. He was about to pull away, but I put my other hand on top of his. He looked at me funnily and then looked the other way. When he turned his head, I caught a look at his slightly red face. I realized that he might not like what I was doing, so I removed my top hand. His hand stayed on mine until we started moving. I looked across from us. There sat Dexter and Lilian.

"Oh hey, look who's here!" I said to Jack. I guess he didn't know I was talking to him, so I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to face me, and I pointed towards the two.

"Hello," He said the them. "Where are you going?"

"We're following you!" Exclaimed Dexter.

"Wonderful!" Responded Jenna.

"Why? Are you gonna- YOU'RE PLANNING ON TURNING US INTO BODY PILLOWS," Meribel joked. We laughed at her reference to their inside joke from years ago. We got some weird looks. After a long, long while, we got off the bus and walked into the airport. We weighed are bags and blah blah blah... Then, when I was no longer in autopilot mode, we went through security

"I hate security," Stated Jack.

"Thaaaaat's Niiiiiice," said Jenna, staring off into space. She does that a lot. We've gotten used to it, though.

"What, are you trying to hide something?" Asked Merb.

"Yeah! Whaddya have, cyanide?" asked Dexter.

"No!" said Jack quickly. "I just don't like it!"

"Suspicious," said Dexter.

"Next!" Yelled the security dude.

We walked forwards. Jenna presented the passports, and he scanned them all. After going through me metal detector, we sat down at our gates. Jack and I sat next to each other. After a while, he began to lean on me.

"Jack, it's 11:30 in the morning. You shouldn't need head support," I said, but I reluctantly put my hand on his head.

"What the frick?" Said Jenna as she looked over at us.

This caused Merb to look, followed by Dexter, Followed by Lillian.

We sat in silence until they called our section of the flight. 


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