Chapter one

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A nightmare. I knew i had woken up from one but i couldn't remember what it was about, i was crying though; tears streaming my face. My grandmother came into the room not soon after i had woken up, dressed with a large bag in hand. She ushered me to change and i remembered everything from the day before; we were moving to the Fairchild manor and i had to be their bloody laundry maid.

I grabbed the bag i had packed the night before and changed quickly, waiting outside with gran for the car to arrive. "They're even picking us up, they'll be good to us you see," She assured me in a soft tone. A black car stopped outside our little old cottage only a few minuets after our short interaction, the window rolling down to reveal a woman of about 60 years of age. She didn't smile but didn't scowl quite the same; instead a neutral face as she began to speak, her voice rough and course, "Good morning Mrs and Ms Smith, would you like to climb inside?"

We did so, the car quite uncomfortably small. I watched out the window and silently bid my goodbye to our cottage. "What's to happen to our home?" I asked quietly.
"That'll be the landlords decision love," She whispered back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Eden, i'm Mrs.Grose and the Fairchild's housekeeper. A close friend told me of your grandmothers cooking skill and we came to an agreement that for her to work as a cook and you to work as a laundry maid you would be able to stay at the Manor." She smiled at me for the first time and i smiled back, keen to make a good first impression. I nodded, "Thank you for your generosity Mrs.Grose."

The drive wasn't too long and only took around fifteen minuets, the driver didn't speak once and i supposed that was part of his job. Seen and not heard. I wondered if that would be expected of me also. When we arrived at the gates i first felt it.
The distinct feeling of being watched, although somebody or something was concentrating on me; their gaze piercing me. I passed it off on paranoia, something i suffered with terribly. My heart was pounding at this point. I remembered the young girl which helped calm me slightly, perhaps i could befriend her.

The driver opened the door for Mrs.Grose and then my grandmother and myself. Mrs.Grose linked her arm with my own and my grandmothers, leading us into the large manor. The building was extremely large, expanding over acres, fully white in appearance although i didn't have the education to know from what sort of brick or marble. Beautiful windows were scattered although i couldn't see much of the rooms inside. The inside was grander, expansive and modern.

Mrs.Grose showed my grandmother and I to our shared room, a small one by the side of the servants kitchen. I sat on top of my bed, small and harder than mine back at the cottage.
"Melissa, your duty will be to prepare breakfast for the young master and mistress for 9am, lunch for 12pm and dinner for 7pm every day sharp."
My grandmother shook her head dutifully and smiled gently. Then Mrs.Grose turned to me, "Eden, you'll collect clothing from the master and mistress every evening at 8:30pm sharp every day, take them into the wash room and hand wash and dry them, then at 8am you'll make sure to take the freshly cleaned and dried outfit back up to the master and mistresses rooms and place them into their wardrobes, did i make that clear?" Her voice was commanding but almost compassionate.
I nodded, taking note on the times into my diary.

"Mrs.Smith would you start preparing the lunch?" She said to my grandmother who nodded and sheepishly left the room, clearly nervous for her first meal. Then Mrs. Grose turned back to me,
"You will be meeting the young master and mistress soon. I want you to understand that they are very unique individuals." Her tone has changed. It could almost be interpreted as threatening.
She continued, placing a hand tenderly on my shoulder, "I must advise you, be it my duty as a woman, to keep your distance from the young master." I didn't dare ask her why. Perhaps he was a little bit of a scoundrel? He likely just had trouble keeping it in his pants, as most young men did.

I didn't know exactly what reply she wanted but i nodded and smiled as i had been taught to do.
"It's 11am, almost time for lunch, you should change into your uniform and collect clothes from the master and mistresses bedrooms, they won't be inside at this time so don't worry yourself on meeting them unprepared."
I smiled again as she left and looked inside my small shared wardrobe, divided by a wooden hang piece. The uniform was...stuffy.
A white shirt, black ankle length dress atop, red ribbon for the shirt, a white apron to top the dress and tights. I tied my hair back into a ponytail and let some strands fall lose as they always did.

I made my way out of the bedroom only to remember i in fact had no idea where the master or mistresses bedrooms were, awkwardly walking around the second floor in hopes of stumbling into one of the rooms to find out it was in fact a bedroom. The first room was bare but for a grand piano, much like the one my late mother had dreamt of playing on. The second seemed like a small library of sorts, filled with only children's books. The mistresses personal library, i supposed.

I turned another corner of the expansive manor and bumped into somebody, falling back onto the ground. I looked up to see another girl in a similar maids outfit, unruly auburn hair spilling down her back. "Oh i'm terribly sorry!" I chirped, standing from the ground. She ripped a loud laugh, placing a hand gently on my arm, "That's okay! It's my fault, you must be new?" Her voice was gentle but powerful. I nodded and brushed my hands nervously down my dress, "Yes, I'm Eden." I spoke rather nervously, the feeling of being watched coming over me again. It sent prickles down my spine as i shifted uncomfortably.

"Well Eden, I'm Max, it's great to have another girl my age working here!" She chuckled and it made me hopeful that you could have a sense of humour even in such a grim looking manor. I realised then that i could ask Max for help, "Oh um, i'm looking for the master and mistresses room to collect their laundry, would you know where they are?"
Max smiled and directed me to one of the bedrooms, grabbing my arm before i went inside and pulling me back. "Stay here a moment love."

She knocked and peeked inside the room, fully opening the door and auctioning for me to go inside when she was satisfied. The room was large, as was the rest of the manor, the biggest bed i'd ever seen in the centre. Black satin sheets which reminded me of something i couldn't place my finger on, a wonderfully carved oak headboard ; A drum kit in one corner of the room, a small bookshelf in the other with a collection of candles on top, besides the door was a wardrobe and laundry basket. I lifted it and carried it from the room, a grateful smile at Max. "You should always knock before coming into Miles' room." She warned.

"Oh, um, the master." She corrected herself and blushed. I nodded. "He's going to pester you, i can just tell, it'll do you best to ignore him. Or at least don't get close to him. Ever."
I had been warned twice to avoid the young master in my first hour at the manor and it only peaked my curiosity. "Mrs.Grose told me the same thing only half an hour ago, so i must ask what he has possibly done to earn this reputation?" I whispered, hoping nobody would accuse us of causing some sort of scandal. Max because visibly uncomfortable, which i hadn't expected.

She gave me the most vague answer possible.
"He's unique."

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