Chapter five

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"Hello? What ya' doing on the ground," A disembodied voice woke me from my sleep, my body aching from the cold earth i had slept on.
I looked around skittishly, rubbing my eyes briefly and when i opened them again an unnaturally white, ghostly figure of a man was before me; one hand on his hip and the other fiddling with the cap he wore. He cocked an eyebrow at me; i couldn't move nor speak- he was practically see through. He came closer although i didn't quite notice him walk and I was certain in that moment something terrible was about to happen, but then the voice of Mrs.Grose came, sharp and loud, "What are you doing!"
It boomed more as a criticism than a question.

I looked back from Mrs.Grose who was stood with an oval mouth to the space where the man was, to see he was gone. No trace that anybody had been there at all. "Well?" Mrs. Grose hissed, walking to me and pulling me upright to my feet.
"You're supposed to be dressed and washing the master and mistresses clothes from yesterday! It's 8am!" She pulled me inside past other servants and i blushed at myself, only covered by my nightgown.
She shushed me to my bedroom and i changed quickly, grateful i hadn't seen my grandmother.

I quickly went to the laundry room and began scrubbing at one of Floras dresses. Breakfast came quickly and i saw my grandmother and the two other cooks carry the silver platters to the dining room where i supposed Miles, Flora and the governess Kate were. I returned to the laundry but after only five or so minutes a shrill shriek came from the dining room and i stood from the laundry room, quickly making my way there to see what was the matter.

Flora was stood beside Miles, whimpering as Kate was holding Miles' hand up, inspecting it closely. Blood was streaming from his palm, crimson, it was darker than i realised blood could be. His face showed no pain, completely still. He was wearing a maroon jumper and the blood had dropped onto the sleeve, staining it which would be a bother to remove; "Oh no,Eden would you take Miles to see Mrs.Grose, she'll be in her office." Kate asked gently as she lifted Flora who was crying, clearly worried for her older brother. My stomach chained as i recalled our encounter from the night before; he didn't want me around him and i had been warned by two people to keep from him yet i kept being brought to his side.

I nodded my head and he met my gaze, scowling ever so slightly as he stood from his chair and waited for me to walk to his side, which i did so, and we walked to Mrs.Grose' office in silence until we approached the third floor, her office door visible from the end of the hallway.
"What happened?" I asked softly, not really thinking before I spoke. He hardened his gaze at me and hissed, "When did i give you permission to speak to me?"
I gulped and walked towards the door but he grabbed my wrist, pulling me back, "I asked you a question."

I looked up at him with worry, remembering the figure i had seen in the gardens this morning and realising how Miles had a sort of resemblance in the way he almost seemed hollow.
"You didn't,"
"You didn't sir." He corrected me, voice hoarse.
He had grabbed my wrist with his bloodied hand and it had smeared there, dripped down to my hand and from my fingertips to the navy blue rug beneath our feet. I nodded and sheepishly gave an apology, waiting for him to release his clasp on my wrist.
He didn't, and after a moment of waiting i began to speak again, "Sir, your hand is dripping, you need it treating to,"

He let go of me and walked ahead of me to Mrs.Grose' office, opening the door and entering. I followed quickly after. Mrs.Grose looked almost distraught, cleaning his wound with rubbing alcohol, i almost expected him to flinch but of course he didn't. She bandaged his hand and stroked down his cheek tenderly, he didn't recoil or snap at her like i had expected.
"Thank you."
Well, I certainly didn't expect him to say that. I couldn't help but wonder what led him to dislike me so greatly when i had hardly even spoken to him. Mrs.Grose smiles at him and looked back at me, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"You're dismissed Ms.Smith." She spoke sharply, I nodded and left the room, closing the door. I was curious though, as always, and decided it couldn't hurt much to listen in to their conversation.
I pressed my ear to the door and listened,
"What are your intentions with that girl?" Mrs. grose asked.
"I'm not sure, there is something about her."
"Which is?"
"I'm not sure. Tell me about her." Miles spoke, his voice almost empathetic.
"There's not much to tell, she was raised by her mother who passed two years ago, since then she lived with her grandmother in a small cottage in the centre of the town. She's working for us as laundry maid now, as you know. She's peculiar, clumsy, i found her asleep in the gardens this morning."
I swear i heard Miles chuckle at the last sentence.
"I knew she saw him,"
"That's enough Miles! That's enough of this nonsense, go entertain the new girl or your little whore Maxine."

I gasped, clasping my hand over my mouth and praying they hadn't heard me. whore? So they were sleeping together! I quickly left down the staircase and to the kitchen, wanting to see my grandmother. It wasn't my business what Mrs.Grose and Miles we're speaking of, it was wrong of me to listen in.

My grandmother looked more tired than usual, the work was harder for her here than it had been at her previous job and it was taking the life from her.
"How are you Eden? Clothes all washed?" She asked gently and handed me a small plate with half a potato and half a slice of bread, lunch. I nodded and ate the bread first, "Yup, just drying now."

The rest of the day went quickly and i didn't speak to anybody beside my grandmother until after dinner when it was time for me to collect dirty laundry. I went to Floras room first which had became a habit, i smiled and quickly dressed her into her nightgown and platted her hair, put her clothes away and took the dirty laundry onto the landing. As i was leaving she ran from her bed and grabbed my hand, pulling me back slightly and smiling at me.
"I like you, you can call me Flora." She said sweetly through a toothy smile.
I smiled down at her, i felt a flash of happiness which i hadn't since arriving here.
"Aw i like you too Flora, i'm glad we're friends."
She giggled and handed me another note from behind her back.
"He said to open this one at 10pm."
I didn't ask who, there was no point.

I knocked on Miles' bedroom door and he told me to come inside, so i did so. I settled his clean clothes into his drawers and shifted quite anxiously, the note still in my apron pocket, i felt de ja vu.
I suddenly snapped, standing and facing him.
"Why don't you like me? What have i done wrong sir,"
He was seated on his bed, only in a half buttoned shirt and riding shorts. He stood, walking to me.
His hand clasped around my shoulders and he pushed me harshly into the wall, peering down at me. how was he so strong?
"You give your attention to everybody aside from myself, not even bothering to introduce yourself yesterday."
He literally told me to keep away from him, how bipolar was this boy?
"I know you saw him." He said after a moment.
"Peter Quint."

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