Chapter three

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At half six i had finished washing and drying all laundry, still having half an hour left before the master and mistress' dinner I decided to explore the grounds, nobody had told me this was something i wasn't permitted to do after all.

I wandered the first floor, the kitchen where my grandmother was, already preparing dinner. The drawing room which looked practically unused, the dining room which i had already been inside once. I went to the second floor, peeking inside the piano room and Floras library for a second time. I walked past Miles' room, glancing to check the hallways and seeing nobody was there. I pressed my ear to the door, something i most certainly shouldn't do, but curiosity got the best of me.

I heard nothing, until i heard the rustling of paper. Like the turning of a page. He must have been reading, I found myself wondering what genre of book was his favourite. From his clothing I guessed gothic horror. I continued walking and overheard Flora playing with her dolls in her bedroom,
"Would you like a cup of tea Miles?"
"I'd love a cup of tea, thank you Max!"
Max and Miles? I had wondered about their... relationship. Max spoke of him by his first name, something absolutely not permitted of servants. She even blushed when she realised her mistake. And she was the one who led him to the dining room at lunch. Curious.

I stumbled across another library, this one larger without any children's books. The masters?
I simply glossed over them, finger trailing the spines when i felt it again. I was being watched.
He was watching me.
I turned, and there he was, the young master standing in his black suit, arms limply crossed and lips partially open as he gazed at me. A curl almost fell into his eye every time he blinked, he raised an eyebrow at me.
"I-i'm sorry," I began stumbling over my words as i quickly drew my hand from the spine of a book as though it had scalded me.
"You don't have permission to be in here."
"I'm sorry,"
"It's your first day here and you're already breaking rules?" His voice was becoming louder.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again,"
He came towards me, raising his hand.
I flinched backwards and I swear i saw him smirk.
"If it weren't your first day you would've gotten a strike for this. Get out. Now."
I nodded and bowed my head, scurrying from the room and closing the doors behind me, a deep breath escaping my lips.

Jesus. My grandmother hadn't told me about striking of servants here. I looked around and noticed a clock at the end of the hallway; seven.
I was to be downstairs in the dining room by now and I quickly hurried down the stairs, standing by the wall. They came soon after, neither the master or mistress looked at me, i left as they began to eat.

I walked to max and smiled, her smiling back.
"Would you like to see the gardens?" She asked, I nodded and she linked our arms, leading me to the back of the manor and out a pair of glass doors to the gardens. It was large, greenery everywhere. There were many trees and brushes, flowers and vines. We sat at a bench that was hidden in the shade of branches. "What are you thinking so far?" She asked.

It smelt of cut grass and lemons, her face was vibrant under the sunlight, her fiery hair redder than ever. "I'm not sure."
"What's knocked your confidence?" She teased and poked my cheek, giggling as she did so.
"I had spare time before lunch so I decided to look around the manor a little, nobody had told me that was inappropriate."
"I went into the library and as i was looking at the books the young master came in, i didn't even notice him, but he snapped at me and told me if it wasn't my first day he would have slapped me." I explained, awkwardly fiddling with my fingers on my lap.

Max gave a sympathetic smile and nodded as though she understood. "The young master is quite a character. He takes a lot to get used to, but by the looks of things he has taken a...interest in you, quite quickly may I add." She explained in a hushed tone.
"What do you mean?"
"He ignores most people. He only gives his attention to those he deems worthy, like Flora and Mrs.Grose."
"And you?" I bit my tongue after saying that, cursing myself for my boldness.
She blushed, laughing a little under her breath.
"I was born here, a year after he was. I was raised alongside the young master and mistress, it's hard to explain our connection. We have trust, I suppose."
I nodded and smiled, not wanting to pry any more.
It must have been around eight and i remembered the note in my pocket.

"I'm going to go inside now Max, i have to collect laundry soon." I explained as i stood, brushing my hands down my apron and smiling again.
She copied my actions and headed inside beside me, parting ways down separate hallways.
I ran to my bedroom, closing the door and falling into the corner of my room, pulling the note out.
My fingers were trembling, how pathetic of me.
I unfolded it, pulling it up closer towards my face.

Don't enter my room without permission. Don't trust Max. - Miles.

Well. Not exactly what I had hoped for.
But don't trust Max? She seemed genuine, wholesome. I couldn't tell if this was the young master trying to exude more control on his servants or he was actually trying to warn me.

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