Chapter VII - The Last and First letter

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I woke up at about four in the morning.

The storm had become a simple rain shower now. Before I left Jack, who was still sleeping soundly on the floor, I wrote a letter and placed it on top of his table. Tears fell as I was writing the letter, my first and last letter to my best friend.

Dear Jack, my Autumn Boy,

Thank you for being my best friend. You're the greatest guy friend a girl would have. I'm so lucky that I had a chance to be with someone like you. I'll forever treasure our little perfect moments. Three years of being best friends… huh, that's a long time.

I'm just so sorry I have to leave now, and I know you'll never understand why I had to do this.

Good luck with Lyla, and remember… I love you Jack. Happy birthday.

                                            Gwen, your Summer Girl, your best friend.

I kissed him on his forehead for one last time and whispered, "I love you." My hands were trembling as I reached for the door knob.

I have to leave him. I have to let him go, the pain was just so much to bear. And maybe if I go away, I'll eventually find someone new…

I knocked on the door of the carpentry. Joe was the one who opened it, his eyes were sad. I went inside and saw Grandpa and Kurt sitting around the table, deep in thoughts. I didn't bother to tell them what happened. With my eyes almost swollen from crying, they knew that I was to leave.

What I asked of Grandpa Woody was simple yet painful. If Jack can't give the love that I long for, then I'd leave. I couldn't bear that each passing day, life would slap me with the fact that I'm just a mere best friend for Jack. Grandpa knew it was impossible that Jack would reciprocate my affection. But still, I took the risk of asking him if he feels the same way about me.

I took a hot shower and dressed up. I also took a cardigan with me since it was cold outside. It had also stopped raining. Grandpa had already packed my stuff, and without saying anything, the four of us went to Crystal Bay. My uncle, who lived faraway, was waiting for me on his boat. Grandpa sure knew that this was going to happen.

I love you, My bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now