Chapter 1

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This book is about The CW show's flash (Grant Gustin) and the latest Spider-Man (Tom Holland)

In the view of Peter Parker

It was the early hours of a cold December morning, I was sitting uncomfortably on what seemed to be the longest bus ride ever. I was sat with my head against the cold window, I sleepily looked out of the window and up to the sky. The dark night sky was filled with millions of glittering stars. I hadn't slept at all, I was much too excited to sleep, I realised I should've slept at least a bit as today was a big day, but the bus was cold and the road was bumpy which didn't help very much.
My class from midtown high are going on a field trip to Central City to watch the particle accelerator turn on. I've been waiting for months for this trip, I'm so excited. The particle accelerator is the biggest advancement in science to date, I'm so lucky that my science class is actually taking us on a trip hundreds of miles away to see it.

I was brought back from my sleepy state when the bus came to a stop and my teacher started to panic. Why had we stopped? I looked around and rubbed my eyes and tried to look more awake, as I looked around and saw that everyone else was as equally confused. We weren't due to arrive in Central City for another 2 hours, we couldn't possibly be there already, and we we weren't supposed to stop for a bathroom break yet. I nudged Ned who was sitting in front of me.

"Hey Ned, wake up man!" I whispered
"Five more minutes" Ned complained. I continued to nudge him "What!" Ned yawned and looked around to see me. "Oh sorry, hey Peter. What's going on?"
"Hey dude. We've stopped, I have no idea why. Mr Harrington is freaking out up the front of the bus."
"Oh man that's not good." Ned joked.
I looked at my phone, it was 1 am and we'd been on this bus since 9 pm I was very tired and stiff from sitting on the bus. We had stayed in a B&B the night before and continued our journey today after a bit of sight seeing. I stood up and walked to the front of the bus to where our teacher was sitting. Ned followed behind me, everyone looked forward at us waiting for an answer. I asked him why we had stopped.
"Not now Parker, can't you see I'm trying to do something?"
"Yes Mr Harrington sir I can see that, but I was just wondering if you could tell me what is going on?" I asked

"Well apparently there's been an accident on the road ahead, this means that we're going to be further behind schedule than we already are!" Mr Harrington said sounding very frustrated. "At this rate we'll be lucky to get round all of the sights we are due to see and we may even miss the particle accelerator turning on!"
"Oh, well thanks" I said quietly. I turned my head around and looked at Ned, we gave each other the 'he's gone mad' face and walked back to our seats.
"I don't wanna miss the accelerator, it's been a dream of mine to see something as big as this happen in science." I sighed.

About half an hour later Mr Harrington stood up and told us the worst news.
"Ok class as you know there's been a car accident ahead and we are stuck here until it is cleared, however I will not let this incident ruin this incredible trip we had planned, we are still going to have fun." He paused he didn't look so convinced. "Now it appears that it may take quite some time for the road to be cleared but by all means you can stand outside of the bus to get fresh air but please don't go too far."

After Mr Harrington gave his delightful speech, me and Ned headed outside with a few others. We wandered around for a while totally ignoring what mr Harrington had said about staying close. We walked up to where the accident site was, it was now surrounded in flashing blue lights and police tape. There were people rushing around and yelling things to each other. From what we could see there was a car on its roof and another car smashed into the side of it.

The casualties had all been taken care of and were already on their way to the hospital, the fire department were just putting out the last of the fire, and the police investigators were at the side taking notes and getting ready to analyse the scene. One man who looked in his forties yelled out "Where's Allan?!" "Has anyone seen him?!" He was very loud and we could easily hear him over the noise. It seemed he didn't like this 'Allen' guy very much

Just then a tall skinny younger man came running through the group of people. He looked like he was in his teens maybe a similar age to me, this must be 'Allen'. He was tall, had dark hair, and looked like he was around 19 years old. How could a guy this young be already working for the police? I'd love to be out of school and working in a real job by now, I'm smart enough to leave school but I have to stay and graduate and get an actual qualification. I don't have long to wait as this is my final year so finally I can graduate and move on with my life.

I wish I could join the police force, or even the fire brigade, in fact I'd be happy doing any job that means I get to save people and do what's right, something good for my community. Well either that or a photographer.

Ned and I stood watching from the roadside staying out of sight so we wouldn't get caught by anyone. We watched as the police and fire brigade did their jobs, the ambulances had all left and there was just the sound of the police car engines running.

It wasn't long before most of the vehicles had cleared away, most of the police officers had left and "Allen" was one of the few people left. I had now pieced together that he was a CSI. God that must be a cool job. If I were in the police force that would definitely be the job I'd want. It's science, and man if I'm being honest I'm a huge science nerd. We stood at the side of the road on the other side of the blue and white tape, we watched "Allen" work for a while. Ned got bored pretty quickly, I on the other hand was fascinated by the work the young CSI was doing.
After a while he began to pack up his things, before he left He saw that we were watching and made his way over to us.

"Hey you guys look like you shouldn't be here." He joked "What are you doing here anyway?" He asked suspiciously.
"Oh uhm hi, we were are going on a field trip to central city with our science class, we got stopped in the traffic and kinda snuck out to here to see what was going on." I replied quickly. He was kinda cute, I hoped I didn't look like a total idiot and tried to keep cool.
"Ah makes sense, I wouldn't want to be stuck in a bus with my old classmates, I'd probably have done the same as you." He said jokingly.
"So why did they need a CSI at a road accident? I thought that they didn't have crash scenes analysed this thoroughly." I questioned.
"Ah see that's classified information that's part of our ongoing investigation sorry I can't tell you anything." He said laughing.
"Hm okay." I said suspiciously.
"Well maybe I'll see you tomorrow night at the accelerator turn on?" He said slowly.
"Yeh our class is supposed to be going to that I'm really excited." I said blushing while realising I sounded like such a nerd.
"Oh are you into science? Don't worry I wouldn't be a CSI if I didn't like science stuff" he laughed
"Yeh science is my favourite subject. I just like it way more than the other classes I have especially gym." I laughed
"Not much of a sports guy?" He asked surprised.
"Nah not really my best area." I joked

We stood around just talking for a while, I realised that he was actually really nice. Omg do I actually have a crush on someone I barely know? Stop being stupid Peter he's too old plus there's no way that he's gay. I was right I should stop being so silly. At some point while we were talking Ned had left me and had wondered off, I only just realised and my attention was brought back when the CSI started to talk again.

"Well uh I better go and finish up before Captain Singh gets mad again" he joked "It was nice meeting you..." he waited for me to tell me his name.
"Oh uhm Peter, Peter Parker." I said awkwardly, while giving a smile. "And you are?"
"Barry, Barry Allen" he replied.
"Well it was nice meeting you too Barry" I said.

After saying goodbye I left Barry to finish up what he was doing and went to find Ned. I felt happy, really happy. I hope that I do meet Barry tomorrow.

So this is the first story I've posted, no hate please :)
I wanted to write a crossover between these two characters because they are both my favourite characters but I can't find a lot of these kind of Peter x Barry books. And obviously they are from different cinematic universes so they'll probably never meet on the big screen so this is just my way of putting the two characters together in a way that I like and hopefully you do too.
I hope you like my story, please comment ideas or opinions, I'd love to hear what you think
Word count - around 1600
Don't expect me to upload regularly, I'm very busy and this is just something I do in any spare time I get.
Hope ya like it - Jenny x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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