Chapter 6

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After Eira returned, Nerezza was taken next, followed by Russell. Eira and Ara returned with bruises and injuries but Nerezza and Russell came back without a scratch, the girls realized these two were a force to be reckoned with. A few guards came by and interrogated Eira about the ice she created in the trial room. Nothing could melt it, not even fire, Eria would just shrug her shoulders and explain she could never figure out how to remove her own ice. A few of the trial rooms Eira entered were considered unusable afterwards until the guards finished chipping away at the ice. Months passed with the four of them crammed in their tiny cell, only leaving it to be taken to trials. None of them had ever lost, so they didn't know how terrible the punishments for the losers were, but they were bad enough for some of the children to lose minor limbs and facial parts. This caused them to try even harder each fight, making it more difficult for Eira and Ara. Russell and Nerezza though, never seemed to have an issue. One night, Eira sat up in her bed, she couldn't sleep. She stared down at the metal contraptions on each hand and felt anger run through her. For months she's been deprived of sunlight, free choice, good meals, comfort, and much more. She hated everything about the building she stood in and wanted to be free. In her moment of extreme emotion, she accidentally began releasing high amounts of power, amounts she didn't know she could release. Eira felt her hands become cold inside the hand cuff. Suddenly, ice and frost began to form around the outside of the cuffs; she was freezing them. Quickly, she hopped out of her bed and shook the other three awake. They groggily sat up, "Eira? Whats up? If they catch us awake we'll be in serious trouble!" Nerezza whisper yelled. Eira threw up the cuffs for them to see, both Nerezza and Ara gasped, "Eira! How'd you do that?!" Ara exclaimed quietly. "I don't know! I was upset and then all of a sudden I look down and this! Guys, these things are frozen, which means if we can find something, we might be able to break them!" Eira suggested. Nerezza stood tall, "Place your hands on the floor. Close your eyes, you might make noise if you see" He instructed, Eira did as he said and closed her eyes tightly. She felt a strong force on her hands and heard a muffled clunk, when Eira opened her eyes, her hands were free, and the cuffs were shattered under Nerezzas foot. The red head lifted his foot and Eira quickly stood, "Thanks! Now lets quickly get your handcuffs off, I might be able to reach that window and freeze the bars" Eira whispered. The each took turns and within minutes all three of their hand cuffs were off and shattered. Fast as lightning, their plan was in action, Eira stood tall and grabbed the bars of the windows, freezing them solid. Nerezza turned, "Russell, climb on my shoulders buddy, this is a job for you!" He said quietly as his little brother did as told. Nerezza brought him over to the frozen window, Russell pulled back his arm and punched the bars, pummeling them into powder. Ara then threw her upper body out the window and created a water stream in the shape of a slide connecting from the window to the ground outside. Eira then squeezed in and touched a finger in the water, freezing it completely. All four of them flew out the window and slid down the ice safely, "We did it! Come on, we gotta move" Ara exclaimed as the three unlikely friends ran towards the wall that surrounded the castle.

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