Chapter 9

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Nerugo was starting to become frustrated, two out of the four needed to be interrogated down, and he still had no information. He sent Russell off back to his cell and Eira was the next to be brought in, as soon as she stepped into the interrogation room the temperature dropped and everyone noticed. Eira now knew that her powers were mainly driven by her emotions, so all she had to do was keep her cool, no pun intended. "Oh my, it's quite chilly in here, isn't it? That was you right? Your powers seem to be remarkable, ice that can't even melt by fire is something I've never seen before. I'm sure you had a large role in this operation, didn't you?" Nerugo questioned, Eira sat and stared at him coldly, he felt a shiver run down his spine. "Hmm.. you seem to be the type who'd enjoy some wealth, am I right? I'm a pretty powerful man, if you tell me what I want to know, I can ensure you amounts of gold and money more than you'd know what to do with. Or maybe even, I could give you a castle with it as well, you could gain the status of noblewoman, or even royalty. I can give it all to you, Eira, just. answer. my. questions." Nerugo offered. Eira began dreaming of the wealth and status and how wonderful it'd be but quickly brought herself back to reality. This man seemed tricky, and Eira knew better than to betray her friends for an unrealistic fantasy. Nerugo slammed his fist on the table angrily, "She's useless too! Bring me the last one!" He shouted and Eira was quickly taken out of his sight. Ara was then brought in, she was nervous but knew the one simple rule she had to follow to ensure success. Nerugo took a deep breath and continued his nice guy facade, "Hello dear Ara, beautiful name you have. "Brings rain" is I believe the meaning, which fits very well for your powers. Would you like to tell me what occurred a few hours ago in your cell?" He asked politely. Ara sat quietly with her eyes closed shut, not even wanting to look at the man infront of her. "Oh, Ara, you're a simple girl. I know that you want nothing most in this world than to go home to your loving mother and father, I can make that happen you know. Just please answer my questions and I can have you on a cushy carriage home within the hour" Nerugo explained to the girl. Ara slowly opened her eyes as they began to water, she looked up at the man across from her. "I'd get .. to go home?.." she asked quietly, Nerugo smiled and nodded "Of course!" He said, lying through his teeth.
Eira, Russell, and Nerezza were waiting anxiously for Ara to get back, it seemed her interrogation was lasting longer than theirs and that made them worried. Finally, Ara and the guards came down the hallway. Ara wasn't handcuffed or being dragged by the men, she was walking civilly beside them. The three of them walked right passed the cages and Ara was brought up out of the dungeon. "Ara? .. ARA!" Eira and Nerezza shouted from the bars, feeling their hearts sink instantly. Nerugo sauntered smugly down the hall and stopped in front of the three cells and chuckled, "It seems dear Ara decided to take the incentive offered to her. You three are in big trouble"

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