Chapter 10

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Eira thrashed against her shackles roughly, "No! No! She wouldn't do that to us!" Eira shouted, denying the information being given to her. Nerugo laughed evily, "Ha, then you clearly don't know your own sister! As soon as I offered her a chance to go home, little Ara sung like a canary!" He explained smugly. "So what? You're letting her go home? Just like that?" Nerezza asked angrily, Nerugo scoffed, "Of course not! But we can't have a snitch on our side, it'll be bad in the long run. So we're going to .. take her away" he eluded. Eira's heart stopped and her breath got caught in her throat "You're... you're going to kill her .." she said quietly, Nurgo chuckled, "Quite the bright girl, aren't you? Well, I'd love to chat with you three longer, but you're going to be late for the start of your punishments". As he said that, guards came from both directions and pulled the children from the cells and dragged them to a part of the dungeon they had never been before. Eira, Nerezza, and Russell were placed in separate rooms, they were small with stone walls and doors. Inside were rickety, uncomfortable looking beds, a toilet in the corner, and a sink beside it. Eira was thrown in her room and landed on the cold ground with a thud, the guards took her handcuffs off and slammed the door shut once they left. Eira stood quick and faced the door, she outstretched her hand and attempted to freeze the door but nothing happened. "What?!" She exclaimed frustratingly, a muffled voice was heard from behind the door, "Nice try! But these rooms are surrounded in a magic field, your powers are useless in here". Eira felt hopeless as she slumped down and sat against one of the stone walls, "Oh god... whats going to happen to us" she asked herself, thinking of Russell and Nerezza and how they must feel being separated like this. After a while of sitting by herself, she heard a loud commotion from outside her room. Banging, shouting, and heavy foot steps of running guards; Eira stood quietly and pressed her ear against the door to try and hear more. "Just run ........ don't enga.....can you..... grab the se.... hold him...I SAID..." The rest of what Eira heard was illegible. "What the hell??" She questioned in a hushed tone. Suddenly, all went quiet again, the only noise were the muffled conversations of those who responded. Eira stepped away from her door as she heard someone walking towards her door. The sound of it unlocking was heard and the door slowly opened before her. Standing in the doorway were three of the observers; they all wore long white coats, black or brown goggles, and black pants and shoes. One of the observers had a large briefcase, and another had heavy gloves on. Eira instinctively stepped away from them as they walked inside, having a guard close and lock the door behind them. "Hello, Eira. I think you know why we're here. Just sit and let us do our job, I don't think you need anymore problems"

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