Chapter 20

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A few weeks passed, and Eiras only friend was now a cold and unfeeling specimen. She tried for days to get him to speak to her and spend time with her like before, but he'd push her away even harder every time she tried. Eira didn't understand what could have happened, until one night. A storm moved it's way through the faction, thunder and lightning galore. A loud boom of thunder woke Eira up from her deep sleep around midnight, the room was pitch black and it seemed no one else had woken up from it, that is, until a bright flash of lightning lit up the room and the truth was painted on the walls. Blood. Blood was everywhere, some of the children were near death while others have been long dead. Eiras breath hitched in her throat, she felt like she was going to be sick. She ran out into the hallway but it wasn't any better out there. More blood, but this time, the blood of the guards and a few Observers. Their bodies left scattered and horribly disfigured, tears began to form in Eira's eyes as she couldn't believe the situation that was taking place, "This has to be a nightmare, right?!" She thought to herself. Eira turned and looked down the hallway, a figure stood in the shadows. Another flash of lightning illuminated the figure, she could see the grey uniform that the children wore and bright hair on their head. A loud boom of thunder shook the castle, causing Eira to stumble a bit as she marched towards the person. They were tall and stood peacefully staring out the window. "Good evening, dear
.. I see you also wanted to come look out the window ..", Eira knew that voice all too well, "Sar .... w.. what happened?" She asked cautiously. Sar laughed, and turned to face the cold girl, she gasped when she saw him covered in blood. "Eira ... all this .. needs to end. I couldn't take it anymore.. all the punishments ... trials... it's all too much.." he said, filling with anger the more he spoke and reminisced. "That trial they took me to, it was the worst one yet .. they drowned me .. over and over and over and over and over again! I couldn't breath .. I ... I almost died! There was no reason to it .. nothing to test .. they just did it to do it! They're sadistic! That's when I realized.... I don't want to keep doing this .." Sar continued launching forward and grabbing Eira, clenching her small throat in his large fist. Eira scratched at his hands and tried to pry them off of her neck but he just gripped tighter. "Eira, dear ... you were so special to me ... I can't let you keep living here... living in PAIN and MISERY! You deserve to be free ... free like a bird. You were the only person here who showed me any kindness, and respect, you deserve to find peace. All the children here deserve peace ... I'm going to make sure that they get that ... " he rambled, speaking like a crazy man, his mind was truly rotted. Acid seeped from his palm and fingers, making their way onto Eira's throat. She gasped in pain as the corrosive liquid hit her skin, and burned it's way through. "S .. SAR..." Eira gasped out, Sar just squeezed tighter on her neck, "Quiet, Eira ... you'll find peace shortly, little bird" he stated ominously, waiting to see the light leave her eyes. Eira dropped her right hand to her side and formed a sharp, pointy, icicle. Tears streamed down her cheeks, "I'm...s...sorry.. Sar.." she uttered quietly as she raised her hand up and jabbed the icicle into his jugular as hard as she could. Instantly his grip on her throat released and he fell to the ground, his blood spewing out everywhere. Eira's throat still had acid on it that burned through her skin and muscles. Breathing became hard and the pain was unbearable, she collapsed onto hard ground next to her friend. Eira turned her head so she could see Sar's face one last time. A single tear fell from the boys eye and a faint "Thank you.." was the last thing Eira hear before her world turned dark.

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