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••A/N:this scene is based off the movie Menace ll Society. So think about the ending scene when Caine is trying to save Anthony.••


**When I heard the gunshots my immediate instinct was to run outside and scrappy was right there behind me. As soon as I was outside I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder,and in my stomach. I got Neveah,and Ariana, and I saw scrappy get Hazel,A.J,and Kasin. Then I heard the car roll of,and the gunshots finally stopped, but then I saw another car roll up and I heard Loren screaming then everything went black as I was holding the kids close to me.

Scrappy POV

**I had Hazel,A.J,and Kasin held tightly close to me as I could feel the blood coming from my whole right side of my body. Then as I was blacking in and out I heard Khloe and Keelo yelling at the sight of Jai and I.

Keelo POV

**we decided to go back to Rocky's house but when we got there Jai and scrappy were layed out on the the front lawn with the kids in there arms. I immediately put Jai in the car and then I noticed that Neveah was loosing a great amount of blood from left arm so picked I them up,along with the rest of the kids.

Khloe POV

**I went up to scrappy and fell to my knees and flipped him over,and I saw he was loosin a ridiculous amount of blood in his chest,and then I noticed the same thing was happening to A.J,and Hazel was hit in the right shoulder. So I got all of them in the car,and on our way to the hospital Keelo was in the back trying to keep all of them revived. It took us 20 maybe 30 minutes to get to the E.R,they got on stretchers and were in there hospital rooms. We were all in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out.

D.J:(holding Rocky,holding back tears)it's gonna be okay,she's gonna make it,she's a fighter just like her momma...

Rocky:(crying in D.J's chest,nodding her head in assurance)

Khloe:(sitting in her chair letting her tears flow free,rocking back and forth)

Keelo:(letting her tears flow freely,hanging her head down)

Doctor:family o-gco-

Keelo:that's us,please tell tell me my man,my daughter,and my neices,and nephew are okay!!

Doctor:well,Al'darious S.R and Al'darious J.R were shot in the chest(pulls out x-ray)as you can see the bullet was exactly 4 inches away from their heart. We did manage to get the bullets out and it is a miracle that both made it out of surgery safe.

Rocky:okay and what about Ariana,Hazel?

Doc:well,they were both shot in the shoulder,so since they are still so small they can't hold anything with there right hands for a long amount of time for at least a year. But other than that they are both fine.

Keelo:and what about Jai,and my daughter Neveah,and my niece Kasin!are they okay?

Doc:Jai,and Neveah made it perfectly safe out of surgery,and are resting right now.

Rocky:okay and Kasin?

Doc:are you her mother?

Rocky:1.did I ask you that??and 2.if you must know. No I'm not her mother her mother is in a coma right now. But I am her aunt.

Doc:okay well since you are family, Kasin is doing fine. But now that you've said it if her mother doesn't make it out of coma in less than 4 months Kasin will have to live with her father.

Khloe:her father was deceased.

Doc:I'm sorry for your loss...

Khloe:anyway,what will happen to Kasin?

Doc:if her mother doesn't wake up,she will be placed in foster care.

Khloe:what if one of us are willing to adopt her?

Doc:that could be arranged are you looking to adopt her?

Khloe:(takes a deep breath)yes.


Khloe:hush....can we see them?

Doc:yes they are all in a joint room,something jai requested he didn't want to be apart from any of the kids. They are all on the 2nd floor room 223.

Keelo:thank you.(sprints to the nearest elevator)

-we all made it to the room and scrappy and A.J had beds next to each other and scrappy was holding on to A.J's hand. Jai and Neveah were doing the same,while Hazel was in the bed on the other side of A.J. A.J was holding on to Hazel's hand cutting off his own circulation.!. Ariana,Neveah,and Kasin were on the other side of the room just resting. I took a seat in the middle of Hazel and A.J's beds rubbing their foreheads forcing both of them to flinch. When I was reassured that they were okay I went and talked to my baby.-

Khloe:(kissing scrappy's forehead)

Scrappy:(flinching awake and slightly smiling,while wincing in pain)

Khloe:I'm sorry,just wanted to see you.

Scrappy:it's okay, as long as the kids are okay I'm straight.

Khloe:well,you and little man are very lucky.

Scrappy:yeah,and how's Haze?

Khloe:she's straight,but the doctor said if crystal don't wake up in 4 months or less they gon put her in foster care.


Khloe:well,I was wondering if we could maybe...

Scrappy:aww shit...

Khloe:can we adopt her?

Scrappy:Khloe do you know what we do for a living?

Khloe:yeah,and? We grew up in the game.

Scrappy:yeah and look how we turned out!

Khloe:it's no different from having our own kids growing up in the game.

Scrappy:true...alright if crystal don't make it, we can think about it.

Khloe:(shreak then hugs scrappy)

Scrappy:(wincing in pain,almost crying)

Khloe:oh sorry I forgot your chest was fucked up....

-after I was done talking to scrappy I went to go and check on Kasin and the other kids,but Keelo had some big announcement to make.-

Keelo:okay you guys I know this isn't the best time to say this,and Jai and Neveah aren't in the best conditions,but we're all together.

Jai:well...what is it??


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